Thirty Two: The Idea

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Your Pov:

It was early morning when I woke up. Not because there was a nice wake up alarm, or that Tord got up and I heard him from the next room over, it was because my phone went off. It's funny how I couldn't find my phone yesterday but now it's blasting my ringtone in my face. I wanted it gone.

I didn't bother to answer the first time and tried to ignore the loud obnoxious ringtone it had but it was of no use. The second time my phone ringed my eyes opened tiredly and my hand searched for the phone on my nightstand. I didn't bother looking at the contact name and just answered it, "Hello?" Yikes my voice is so dry, I'm going to get some water. As I waited for a response I slipped out of bed to the bathroom in this huge guest room. Tord had a nice place but everything was oversized... "Y/N hi, this is your mom."

I froze and forgot about the task in hand. My parents hadn't spoken to me since I moved into the Red Army Base and I was shocked to hear from her. My father, from last time, was very angry with me because I forgot about those stupid college applications and wanted me gone, but not with Tord. Perfect, I'm living a Romeo, Juliet story. "Oh hey.. Mom. Uh how are you?" I managed to ask before awkward silence took it's tol. "I'm doing good, me and your dad miss you a lot. Your dad wants you to know he's very sorry.." She took a breath on her side and continued, "Today we are having a family reunion and we were wondering if you and your boyfriend would like to come." My face warmed up and I was finally at ease knowing my dad had forgiven me finally, but I was really glad she addressed Tord as my boyfriend. My parents had actually addressed him like that before and I was feeling really happy. I ran the sink and put a cup underneath it, "Awh that's sweet of you mom.. I'll have to see if me and Tord have plans today and I'll text you later if we can go." She continued going off joyfully until we hung up and I drank my water finally.

Since I was up I wanted to bug Tord, I have been every morning since I've stayed for winter break. Now that I thought about it, to have a family reunion during winter break was smart but oddly strange.. It was cold outside and with all the little kids getting loose outside and coming in with near hypothermia.. I thought it was weird. I was brought back from my thoughts and I slipped out of the guest room to his room besides me. The door was unlocked so I just opened it and let myself in. There he was, asleep and comfortable. Tord slept interestingly too, he didn't sleep sprawled across the bed, on his stomach, or on his back. He slept on one side, cuddling into a pillow like a child. As I got closer I finally jumped at him and wrapped my hands around him, "Good morning!" He flinches upwards and yells from being startled, looking to me and shaking his head. "Y/N, good gracious Russia!" His accent was sharp and his eye was wide with consciousness. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" I ask kissing his cheek roughly and taking in his masculine scent. He smelt nice in the mornings when he took late night showers. "Yes but it's okay, it's you and if anybody is to jump on me.. It's you," He puts a thumb to my cheek and I blush, smiling and eyes closed with relaxation. "Good."

I find myself making coffee for us two and we share a comfortable peace. Tord reads through one of his mangas and I come over behind him to look. He looks up to me and reaches upward with his robotic arm, touching my bottom lip softly. I look from the book and then to his finger. I'd never really seen his robot arm before and I looked at it before laying a gentle kiss on his finger. He grinned and pulled back, making room for me on the couch. "So.. have any plans for today my dear?" I can't shake myself with his thick accent and I lean my head on his shoulder, "Well.." I look off and try to explain the situation to him. His orb is looking deep into me, trying to get an explanation. My eyes meet his questioning, "My family is going to have a family reunion and they invited us." He becomes serious and takes one of my hands I layed on my lap, "Do you.. Does your father want me around?" I shrug and his grip tightens on my hand, "Y/N.. I don't want him to be angry with you." Taking in Tord's words, I lean into him. I touch his face and then his neck, he doesn't argue against the physical touch and he puts both hands on my hips in an agreeing silence. We sit there on the couch now, the coffee machine beeping behind us. "Tord, I don't care for what my father thinks. My mother was actually the one who called and invited us... me and you," I paused our lips were getting closer, "And if he doesn't like us. He doesn't but I.. I like us Tord." We stare deep into one another and finally kiss. The kiss was slowly paced rather than playful and marked as the longest we shared. I tried to get lost in him when we kissed, it honestly felt good to get away from everything. And the feeling he gave me, it wasn't like any other feeling. I wanted that feeling forever. I broke the kiss and pulled away from his atmosphere, the beeping of the coffee machine returning to my ears. "I think we should probably get the coffee.."


(1013 words :3)

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