Twenty Four: Somebody Still Cares

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F/BP=Favorite Breakfast Place
*keep in mind I'm adding pancakes to the story

(A/N: Also I see you McDonald's lovers. Don't you think you can escape me.😉)

Your Pov:

I couldn't believe this was happening right now. Tord, as my boss, in his pajamas, was taking me out to breakfast. It was funny how he acted really, first he was acting like he didn't have anything to do with me then he takes me to get a breakfast burrito like we're buddies. Tord is really confusing. I wanted to bring this conversation up between us but stopped my myself because it would make me look immature. Plus he was always plastered so neutrally, he could be doing this just to be nice. But Y/N.. What Red Leader, who is technically in charge of war, is nice? I shook all these thoughts away. They were all possibilities but right now I needed to get my act together and live presently, not in the past.

Tord's Pov:

Something was on Y/N's mind again. She didn't talk to me, or make eye contact, or smile insecurely.. She just looked out the window in quietness. I looked at the GPS on my phone of the instructions she gave me and took a left to our destination. "Y/N is this it?" I take a glance at her, she seems tired and less in thought now which somewhat relieved me under personal circumstances. "Yeah this is it sir, thank you again." She met my eyes and I gave her a nod. I smiled inside as she called me sir. It was cute and very well mannered but something nagged inside me for her to call me my name. I found a parking spot near the entry and slid into the space with ease. "Uh Y/N," I huffed out, something that wasn't so easy for me to do. She looked at me and gave her full attention to me. I tapped the steering wheel with my robot finger and for the first time let her see another expression besides my neutral one I always wore, "You can call me Tord if you like hun." I gave a weak smile to accompany my awkwardness in saying this, did I just say hun? Y/N went off with an apology but I never accepted it, which I could tell this made her upset. She didn't like to be embarrassed but what could I say? I liked seeing her get all upset at me in a way. Similarly to the time where she broke my dinner plates.. Those were expensive.

Once inside I offered to take her coat off, she was grateful and allowed me to. I felt like a proper gentleman which is what I was going for this time. Y/N looked around the breakfast place and I could tell she had her eyes on a certain spot. She wasn't too good at hiding things she had interest in, for example me. I could still feel an attraction but she didn't come to say it out, well at least not yet. Abruptly a waitress walked up to us, "Hi welcome to F/BP, where can I sit such a cute couple like y'all?" I wanted to laugh at her assumption but laughing wouldn't be the best response for right now, besides Y/N looked exactly like a tomato as it was. "Heh thank you ma'am and I was thinking maybe over there if that would be okay," I pointed to the spot Y/N had been eyeing. The waitress nodded, "Right this way." I, once again inspected Y/N just to find her looking at me, "How did you know?" I felt comfortable enough with her to nudge her playfully, "You were eyeing it for the longest time hun." She giggled and pushed back in response to me I whispered an ouch to her but she didn't seem to notice. I smiled and felt my cheeks warm, I missed her so much already.

As we sat down the waitress put place mats and menus in front of us, Y/N eager and excited she picked up hers and started reading. I glanced at mine and thanked the waitress who was standing by us. I leaned towards Y/N, "What's the best the best thing to get here?" She looked to me, almost nose to nose. Her dainty fingers skid across my arm in the process of pointing to a meal including pancakes, "That's me and my dad's favorite haha..It's pretty good." I smiled at her and she smiled back but lost it someplace in thought. This made me wonder what was wrong. "We'll both have this please," I smiled at the waitress who looked at my menu and to her notebook. "Alright coming right up for you two!" And with she walked away. I then turned my head back to Y/N and gosh was she beautiful when she was upset. I squinted my eyes at her, trying to figure out what was wrong but couldn't comprehend what she was feeling. "What's wrong Y/N?" Her eyes pierced me and she slightly furrowed her eyebrows, "It's my father.. I mean I love him but he's--" She paused with the sound of ambition in her voice and continued, "Before you hired me Tord my father and mother had the idea of me going to college to finish school.. But I was excited to get this job that I forgot about the deadlines for the applications for the colleges. So I'm expected to move out at the end of this month.. I know you're my boss and I shouldn't be talking to you about this but--" I stopped her with a gentle motion of my hand knowing that if she went on she'd hurt herself doing it. I couldn't believe that her father and mother would do something like this to her, it made me have much pique. "Y/N.. You were my friend before you were my employee," I gently touched her hand and she flinched. "If you have personal problems that you need to talk about I'm here for you. I am your boss and I do need to know where you stand outside work anyways." I removed my hand and she seemed to want it back by the look on her face. Blush darkened around her present redness and she left her mouth open. I raised an eyebrow at her, "What? Did I cause some sort of trauma to you?" She giggled at my maxim and shook her head, "It's nothing.. Nothing."

Third Person View:

As Tord and Y/N ate together they couldn't help but feel at their once comfortable silence they had two years back. So their past wasn't talked about like Y/N hoped, but she did enjoy seeing Tord eat in a way. And then there was Tord, who let his walls down for her. He didn't want to and didn't plan to but he saw that she needed somebody and still does.

"So when we get to my office we'll just stay there for the day," Tord began, taking the bite of bacon and leaving an empty plate. Y/N nodded listening and full of pancake, she was excited to be with Tord all day. Maybe the work he would give her was even more exciting than her own by far. Tord wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked to Y/N, her hair was pulled back so it wouldn't get into the syrup of her pancakes. He thought this cute and tried his best to hide a smile but failed. Y/N looked up to him and licked her lips, wishing she hadn't done that and asked, "So if you don't mind me asking, will I have to do my work too? On top of yours?" Tord shook his head and twirled his finger in the air, pretending to be interested in his robot hand. "I assigned Paul and Patryk to do your work, they should have it under control. But if not then I will do it for you, you shouldn't have so much of a task with a new job." Y/N saw Tord, the old Tord, and swallowed hardly at how caring he was. He knew she noticed and he immediately shelled himself, "So, your father is kicking you out in a month right?" She felt her anger from earlier return but with sadness in hand. She looked at her almost done pancakes and lost her appetite for them. She nodded, "Yes that's right.." The two of them sat in awkward silence for a minute and then both came to say something. Their voices uni-seized and Tord suggested she go first and apologized, so she went. "I was going to say, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I mean I was originally going to look in the papers to find a room for rent but I--" she stuttered, "I don't know." She thought to herself embarrassingly since Tord hadn't responded yet, "Sorry this is very in professional ugh." He offered her a sympathetic look and then to the ground, "I was your friend before your boss. Please.." He looked up again at Y/N, "Tell me if you need anything." She opened her mouth but shut it because there wasn't anything else to say. Well, she thought, he still cares.

(1558 words :3)

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