Five: Protective

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Edd's Pov:

     I wandered aimlessly around Tord's camp for four hours with nothing to do and with no Y/N in sight. My guess was that she slept in from last night, tired if she was stupid enough to go to one of those dumb hostile parties. But maybe she was with Tord, talking with him for hours again. That has been happening a lot more lately. The last two months Tord was seeming to be more protective and invitational to Y/N, rather than rejecting of his feelings like he was before. I guess it just takes time for something to happen but.. I can just tell that Christina is up to something and she doesn't like the fact Y/N is talking with Tord and working in his office more. I never saw the fight between her and Y/N but I just had a feeling she triggered Y/N to get angry with her.. Y/N, as far as I'm concerned, was well preserved woman. And Christina was somebody who had been sneaking out of camp, Tord knew this, and punished her but she seem didn't care to much. But whatever she was up to I wanted to find Y/N and well... at least warn her.

Your Pov:

     I couldn't stop thinking about what Tord had said to me the other night, was it really what I thought? Did it actually mean Goodnight? Twisted up with curiosity I decided to look up the meaning later. I get dressed, gathering up my uniform and undergarments and head to my bathroom. I take a shower, the water being warm since most people were sleeping in. It felt like a nice Saturday morning already.. Once I got out, I got dressed and ready to begin my day. Perhaps Tord would have me recycle, organize, and stamp useless papers again.. But I didn't mind as long as I got to talk with him. That's what mattered.. He was the only reason I was trying not to escape this terrible camp. I had heard that Christina had already attempted, she says it's "impossible". I couldn't understand why my parents went through all this craziness but their parents before me made them go too.. Maybe that's why my mother lasted. She had my dad.. But she had him romantically. Me and Tord are no where near romantic. Just, very close friends. I sigh aloud, I knew I wanted him more than a friend. But what more could I say to him?

Taking out my phone I swipe it open, knowing I should put a password on it. I then quickly search what "jeg elsker deg" means and the website shows the Norwegian language. I immediately jump to conclusions, this explains the accent Tord has! I smile, finally getting answers to the questions I did not have answered. Then as I scroll a little further three simple words with so much meaning appear,

"I Love You"

Christina's Pov:

During the last two months I couldn't stand the fact Y/N was becoming important to Tord. It made me worried she would even become a second in command.. I watched her step into his office for work nearly almost every day and I became very, very jealous. What was so special about her anyways? Was it the fact that she was a L/N or her work skills? Whatever it was, she needed a fist again. And a really hard one too. If anybody was going to make her feel anything but important, it was going to be me! And I could care less about what The Red Leader thinks, I'm going to start my own army someday. Starting with my two friends, Ariel and Julia. (If you don't remember them they are her "side chicks")

Quicker than I expected, Y/N emerges from her room. A worried look on her face, she was up to something! This could be my new plan to taking over the camp! Tord would be glad I stopped her from doing something bad, and then I would just have to cover up the evidence by telling a story. Telling him that I was sneaking out of camp because she was... Easy, And with that in mind, I stepped towards her.

"Hello Y/N, long time.. No see."

Tord's Pov:

I was sitting in my office thinking about the current events of last night. Surely she didn't know what "jeg elsker deg" meant, but I hadn't thought out what I said either. She would look up the meaning, sooner or later and realize that I loved her. I loved her from the beginning and it was very obvious. The way I made sure she was watching me during gun safety class, the way I opened up to her about my life as a child during work hours, and just how I could rustle with her and she would be just fine afterwards. She had to have known by now, especially since I don't treat anybody else that way. Even Edd. As I put more thought into my actions Edd came into my office, wearing a tired yet worried smile. "Hey Edd", I smiled happily. Slowly he scans the room and looks to me, frowning. I raise an eyebrow at his intentions and sit straightly, "Edd? Why did you come here?" He looks to me, worry in his eyes, but shrugs it off. "Oh, just wanted to check up on you. And I was wondering..." He smirks and I know exactly what topic he's going to talk about. "How are you and um..", He smacks his lips, "Y/N?" I laugh nervously, feeling my face heat up. "A-Ah.. yes.. Y/N. Um.. well.." He laughs at my reaction and I swat him away from me. These were truly like old times.. I tell him about telling Y/N I loved her, well in Norwegian, and he seemed to enjoy my sense in being "smooth". We laughed for about half an hour, reviewing stupid memories, but I knew Edd wasn't here to check up on me. "Edd, why are you actually here?" I eventually ask him and he seems to sigh in relief. "I'm here because of Y/N", He pauses as if he is going to rephrase himself but instead he goes on, "I've been worried about this Christina girl doing something bad to Y/N Tord. Just by all the rumors I've heard of, she seems to be up to something." I nod, agreeing with him. She had to be up to something, all this sneaking around camp was something really suspicious. "You're right Edd.. But I can't just accuse her of doing something falsely and without evidence." I stand from my chair and above him, giving me my normal sense of power. His face becomes troubled and confused, "But Tord..." He urges, trying to change unseen facts. I quickly burst in anger, upset that he can't even see my point of view as a leader. "Edd, I can't! I can't just ruin my reputation like that. She would actually have to hurt Y/N for evidence." I say with sweat trickling down my face. With a few moments of silence later, Edd responds. "Tord I don't understand you.. because all you care about is yourself and your reputation. Tord, she could get really hurt and here you are being concerned about some stupid reputation." I flinch slightly, not at his movement but his words. Stupid Reputation. He stands up, leaving the room and I have nothing else to say. He was right, If I didn't start thinking about Y/N she was going to get hurt. And how could I ever change? I practically said Y/N has to get hurt, what was I thinking?

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