Fourteen: Maturing ehy?

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Tord's Pov:

As I carried Y/N through the woods I couldn't help but think about how she has changed me as a person. Before I had met her innocent soul I realized I was an angry person with my past, and the change in personality felt uncomfortable at first but the wait for change was worth it. She turned in my arms sleepily and muffled noiseless words. I smiled silently at myself, I wanted to give her my everything for what she was worth.

We arrived to my car and I had to wake her up from her beautiful sleep. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, stretching herself out of my hands. "Are you sleepy dear?" I ask and I kiss her cold nose as I press the key to unlock the doors. She yawns again and nods, rubbing her face into my scarf she wore. She was so silly at times. I drove to the the camp, not wanting to wake Y/N any longer but I couldn't just leave her alone inside the vehicle. My eyes watched her breath in and out for few moments I got angry with myself, why hadn't I fired Christina off campus? Today I had to make sure she was sent home. I breathed hardly thinking back to seeing Y/N all beat in the face. I couldn't tolerate the image any longer, she had to be seen by me and governed over for such wild behavior. Suddenly my phone started ringing, I rustled around for it and answered it blandly, "Hello?"

"Hey Tord.."

It was Amy. I sweat as I held the phone closer to my ear, "Hi Amy." She sighed through the phone and laughed mimicking my voice. I felt pestered, "What do you want Amy?" She sighed and giggled slightly, this sent shivers up my spine. "So the other day... I couldn't help but notice quite the man you've turned into.. Does this girl of yours know what your capable of? Hm?" I stiffened up and raged, "I don't want you talking to me anymore. Don't go near me or Y/N you hear?!" I hung up furiously and stepped out of the car, too much frustration hit me at once. First Christina and now Amy. I looked down at the crisp brown ground, pebbles scattered to and fro. I picked up a stone and chucked it hardly at the ground, suddenly a craving grew inside me. I grumbled and pulled out a cigar from my pocket. I light it and brought it to my mouth. I finally relaxed and coughed loudly, spitting to the side. I inhaled too much at once and it deceived me alike to anything else. Suddenly Paul exited the building, we locked eyes and the short man stiffened. "Come," I mouthed to him and he came trudging against the dirt. I admired Paul for the most part, he was a good listener and good worker. However I needed Edd right now at most.. Edd would listen to me and share his opinions. "Paul get Edd for me. Now." He breathed in and without hesitation he took off leaving my side. Moments later he came back with Edd. He looked groggy and half asleep but otherwise defined as my best friend, he smiled sleepily. "Tord do you know what time it is," he asks and chuckles roughly. I puff a wisp of smoke from my mouth and tap against the rolled up tobacco, "I am very aware yes. It's 8:30 am, don't bother to check your phone just look at the rising sun." He nodded and took a seat on the roof of my car, which I had done as well. "So tell me.. Ya Turd why'd ya wake me so ear--"

"Amy called me."

There was a long painful silence between us. I wanted to say more but found it impossible to when my stomach felt knotted. He looked to me, staring and then occasionally looking through the window to Y/N, "Does she know about Y/N?" I fiddled with the cigar and growled, "Unfortunately. We were at the mall yesterday in town and we bumped into her, let's just say it was a fare introduction." Edd gasps and lets out a smile, "You took her out? Like you took Y/N into town with you??" His happiness doesn't brighten my mood and I decide to continue talking, "Yes. We had a great time.. I just. Amy trying to come onto me, like.. She's threatening me or something." Edd's smile disappeared and looked rather frantic now, "Really? Like last time..?" He swallowed and I proceeded to take in another wisp of smoke. "Yes.. I'm not sure what to think of it. She just wants to make me miserable like everybody else, doesn't she?" Edd nodded and sighed, giving silence it's rein again.

I looked through the window of my car to Y/N, she lay sleeping still. Edd noticed and pat my shoulder to grab my attention. My eyes searched him for expression but he had none other than curiosity itself. "How is she doing," Edd asked. I blushed slightly and got up from the roof to the dirt ground once again, "She's great.. Defiantly maturing in our relationship. She's changed and loosened up to me more so that makes me feel more influential." Edd raises his eyebrows at me, mimicking a Lenny filled gesture. I blush even more, thinking about Y/N close to me and detailed, "Åh hold kjeft! (Oh shut up!)" I scrunch up my nose, disgusted with loathing thoughts now because of Edd. He notices and laughs at me until I point my cigar to him, "If you say anything to her about this I swear Edd! I know who to come to about it!" He nervously laughs and takes my cigar burning it out and throwing it elsewhere. I glare at him, "What was that for?!" He shrugs and nudges me, "I'll see you round, it looks like somebody is up anyways. Also don't forget about that meeting with Paul and Patryk." I burn up in the face again and turn around, only to see Y/N. She sat on the hood, legs crossed, and tiredly smiling, "Maturing ehy?"

(1033 words :3)

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