Thirteen: Cradled

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Tord's Pov:

I wake up early due to a meeting Paul and Patryk called me too. The meeting being specific is for me and my second commands to come into decision on the "next move" of new territories. It happens at least once a year, so therefore I must make an appearance.  I was frustrated, mostly due to the fact that Y/N would wake up alone. I sighed, getting a piece of paper and writing down my lame excuse note for leaving. Her face was soft when she slept and her lips fell parted, her hair gliding down her shoulders sleepily, "Jeg elsker deg min dyrebare (I love you my precious)." I kiss her lips softly, the smell of her shampoo distracting me. When I lean in to deepen the kiss I feel her press back in return. This takes me by surprise at first but I take it upon myself to pull away and greet her properly, "Good morning my dronning." She smiles her same lovely smile and giggles, her fingers travel through my hair. "Why hello there.." I kiss her again, rubbing her temples. Alike to a cat she rubs against me and quietly purrs. We stay quiet for a moment until she notices I'm dressed, the reoccurring guilt heartening in my chest. "Why are you in uniform?" She asks in a voice, a voice that sounds hurt. I look aside and away from her gaze, how could I make this up to her? Turning my head back to her I find myself stuttering to find the words, "I.. I got called into a meeting."

Y/N sat up, happier seeming that she knew the answer. "Can I go with you?" She asks and I immediately want to say no but her eyes drill holes into my chest, causing loose screws ans bolts to come undone. "I suppose yes, but I'm going to tell you," I pause feeling an indigenous irritating feeling in my gut forming. "If I hear anything about this meeting outside the office. I will know where it came from." She takes me seriously and as causally my dominance is owned. "I'm not saying you will dear but I can only trust few people right now," I reach to touch her cheek again, she allows me to and lets out another one of her small sighs, "Thank you.." I smile and sit on the bed aside to her, "Any thing for you, although now that you're coming I will have to let Paul and Patryk know so give me a minute to call them." She giggles and smiles an okay, "I'll get dressed then, do I have to wear a uniform of any sort..?" I blush and shake my head, "Don't worry you aren't a soldier anymore Y/N, You're my girlfriend.."

Third Person View: 

Tord and Y/N walked through the cold morning air, clinging tightly to one another. The breeze was painful to be hit against and all Y/N thought about was getting into the warm car. Unfortunately the car was 20 minutes away, and they were only 2 minutes in the walk. She tried not to show she was cold, although it was hard not to fake since her hair was wet and cold from her previous shower. Tord, who wore his heavy navy blue trench coat and maroon scarf, was feeling fine. He apologized many numerous times to his loved one for the parking distance but she shrugged it off and eventually there was nothing else to say. After three or five minutes past by Y/N had slowed her pace and had trouble catching her breath in the cold, fog heaped from her like a cloud. Tord had noticed this and took his time to walk with her, his eye was soft towards her. "You know I carried you all the way down here last night dear," Tord paused and leaned beside her ear. His hot breath brought sensation to his company. Y/N looked to him, her nose red and lips wet, "Y-yeah?" He nods seriously and gives a grin, "If you wanted I could carry you again love." She smiles at how gentleman like he's being and stops in her tracks, "C-could you.." 

"Of course dear." He interrupts the cold girl and starts to take his maroon scarf off of himself. Y/N watches him do this, at every angle, and finds that she is now warming up. He wraps it around her and kneels down to her height, "Ready?" She beams at him with a simple nod and ascends into his strong arms. Tord cradles the perfect creation in his hand and kisses her cheek, her weight under his arms like a feather. "Jeg elsker deg Tord.." She mumbles and closes her eyes, he looks in front of himself making a self response. She nuzzles her face into his trench coat and sighs, he had a lovely smell.

(818 words :3)

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