Sixteen: The Blinding Anger

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Tord's Pov:

I bit my nails to the quick, Y/N should have answered to the door by now. I knocked on the wood harder, "Y/N? Y/N??" No reply was heard. I became frustrated quickly and then looked back to the two young comrades who assisted my side. "She made it upstairs didn't she?" I demanded angry and scared. The younger comrade of mine looked to the other, "S-sir.. We're not sure if she or not. We'd have to check the cameras.." I pointed a finger to him, "You idiot! The question is were the cameras on?" He shivered at me and gulped down his fear, "I-- I don't know." I cursed under my breath and groaned loudly, she had to be inside. She had to be. My eye lit upon them, "If she isn't in here you're both in for it." I took an extra key out of my pocket, irritated with everything around me. I then put it up to the key hole in which it perfectly fit and unlocked it. Quickly I allowed myself to walk around and search for Y/N, I called softly and once I didn't hear a reply I turned to my comrades.

"Find Her."

Third Person View:

Amy paced around nervously, she knew that Tord would notice Y/N was missing any moment now. She wondered how he would react and if he would send search teams, or even worse destroy the blue army base. She exhaled loudly and looked to the perfect woman in Edd's arms and then to her leader, "What are we going to do with her blue leader?" Her leader sighed and then grinned, "Make Tord miserable of course. We'll just hold her hostage that's all." The leader's British accent spiked at the end and Amy smiled. Maybe everything would work out but then again, Y/N would not stop defending Tord no matter how convincing Amy made herself seem. Y/N wriggled in Edd's arms and he softly lay her on the cold-like basement floor, she felt this and opened her eyes tiredly. Once common sense came into her she scampered up, afraid and worried. "Where am I?" She demanded and then looked to the blue leader concerned. The blue leader smiled down at her and stood from his seat, "Where are you?" He laughed vicously and raised both hands in the air. "You're simply at the blue army base." Y/N didn't like the idea of this and became angry, "Blue army huh? Well you can--"
The leader stepped forward uncareful,"Stop it! You know nothing of us so why say anything?" She flinched at his shadow and looked up at him still glaring. The blue leader wore a uniform, not much different from Tord's. It was a navy blue matched with a blue sweater underneath, his boots black and heavy, and his face the thing that made Y/N most curious. Rather than having eyes, he had a robot like appearance with his eyes. They were a bright green, flashing at her everytime he blinked. (A/N: Yes this be future tom bois. Just go with itttt.) Christina in the corner laughed at how vulnerable Y/N was by herself, she wanted to do it since she saw her. Amy nudged her to be quiet as the girl looked up at them, she wanted to laugh but wanted to look accepting in her leader's "eyes." Y/N came to her senses and tried to stand up,"If you were trying to save me or anybody else here, you would cover up that face of yours." The blue leader now insulted, groaned at her insult and sat back in his seat. It seemed as if he didn't care so Y/N gave up with insults and became curious, "So who.. Who are you anyways?" Amy looked to Christina, who looked to Edd. He sighed and rose off the ground, "His name is Tom." Tom growled now, "Don't introduce me Edd. I'll do it myself." Y/N remembered back to when they left, what Edd had said.
"Tom was first Y/N."

Soon after Tom explained the Blue Army Y/N questioned why Tord hadn't told her anything about his life. She was feeling betrayed slightly and offended by every truthful seeming word that came from Tom and Edd's lips. She looked down at the ground for most of the time, coming in and out of the present. Her hearing started to blur and she felt sick, perhaps she was nervous she thought to herself. "I'm hungry." She said out and randomly, interrupting Tom and Edd's conversation. Amy for once, felt bad for Y/N but covered it with a irritated tone, "Maybe we should feed her." Tom thought different, he didn't want to feed her at all. Especially if she was with Tord, but she was exceptionally beautiful. (A/N: No this ain't a Tom x Reader. Although... I'm planning to make one hehe.) Edd speaking for Tom, allowed Amy and Christina to take her to the cafeteria area. Y/N was greatful.

Tord tried to think of a decent way to get in the blue army base but it was seemed impossible. It was surrounded with soldiers and there were multiple codes on doors. He grumbled is defeat, trying to comprehend his surroundings. Currently him and his army, including his fresh comrades, waited in the forest. They were hidden enough by the rough trees and long grasses but this wouldn't be for long. Tord felt pressure rise in the atmosphere every minute. Often a reoccuring thought shot through him and that was that he could attack the base. He fought with this idea however, he didn't want to kill anybody this time. He was afraid of the past mistakes and didn't want Y/N to fear him, it killed him that she already knew he was a leader of murder. But what army leader wasn't? He grasped onto that question and used it to excuse his guilt away. Suddenly Patryk came into the tent he stressed in, he looked up and acknowledged him. "Patryk.."
"What is it?"
"The blue has noticed us, they are planning to attack."
Tord celebrated inside and hadn't taken logic into the situation like he wanted. In fact he was so filled with vengence towards Tom, he forgot about Y/N for a moment. "Get the army ready for charge," He stood from his seat. Patryk saluted to him and left the tent, yelling commands. Tord was simply pleased now, he laughed evil in a way and his one eye became crazed with hate. "Just you wait Thomas, now I have you."

(1118 words :3)

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