Twenty Five: Same Again?

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Your Pov:

After breakfast me and Tord headed to the army base, I had half my forgotten he was in his pajamas and wondered how he got ready for the day but strayed myself back to normal thinking. He got ready like anybody else, except in a full American blue and maroon uniform. A handsome one....

We walked into the base and unlocked the building since it was still considerably early. Tord allowed me to follow him throughout the process and lead me into his soon to be familiar office, "I'll be two rooms away if you need me." I nodded and have him an okay and he walked out. This gave me time to look around his office and maybe, even possibly, snoop. His room was fairly sized but just big enough for two. And thankfully it was one of the few rooms that wasn't red. His desk was cluttered, mostly with rough sketches of inventions, and pencils. I became curious so I came closer to one of the few sketches. It was labeled in unreadable handwriting but the sketch was really well done, I wondered if it was done by Tord himself. It was of a boxy looking head, a robot head, and besides it a full reference to it's body. I awed in wonder at his creativity and admired, who I believed to be his works. I was so into the drawing I hadn't realized I was holding it, I gently put it back and waited for Tord. He was taking a long time and then with nothing to occupy my mind with I started to wonder. He did say he was two rooms over if he needed anything, right? I turned around to the door and walked out into the hallway looking to the left which had but five doors over. I counted the two like he told me and put my hand on the doorknob, not taking a second to think about knocking. I let go of the doorknob and looked at the do not come in signs. I knocked on it but there was no reply. I sweat and put my hand on the knob again, firmly and opened it. Tord stood there, back turned to me and was on the phone. I stood there unnoticed in silence and wanting to reach for the door again but it closed behind me. This made Tord turn his head slightly to me, but not fully. "Yes sir I'm aware of your daughter and her emotions but she needs to stay with me until she finds a place. It's required for a soldier, worker, and comrade to stay with their leader if unsheltered or evicted with short notice. In this case you're kicking her out and she needs to stay with me." He moved around the wide space and I felt like I couldn't move, he knew I was there. Was he talking about me? Oh my gosh... There was another voice on the phone sighing and deep. It was my father. I took in a breath and listened closely but I couldn't make out words, my heart started racing. Tord still had his back to me and finally he spoke after listening to my father, "Yes, yes thank you. Her bags will be in the driveway? Thank you." He hung up the phone and finally turned to me. I didn't know how to feel, was I angry? Was I happy? Was I actually going to live with him, no that wouldn't be logical Y/N. "Y/N, did you need something?" He asks, in such a calm tone it defines how I feel..I feel thankful. "No not at all, I just came to see if you were..okay." Gosh that sounded so weird coming out pf my mouth agh. I blinked my eyes from his face and to his whole body frame, unaware that he was watching me do this. He wore a skin tight long sleeved shirt, which was white, and his gray uniform pants along with it. His belt wasn't looped all the way and his thick coat and maroon sweatshirt were nowhere to be seen. I wish I could keep staring but a stare can only last so long. I snapped myself back to reality and stepped back, "I'll go wait for you, sorry to interrupt anything." I turned around and his voice stopped me. I stood frozen like a deer in headlights but turned to him, he was sure a lot closer than before. We were only about 4 inches apart and his breath tickled my nose, he smelt good. I was getting out of hand with my senses here. "Are you mad at me," Tord asked me and I shivered at how thick his accent was. "No, I'm.. I'm thankful." And with that I left the room, my heels clicking in satisfaction.

Tord's Pov:

I wanted to pull Y/N back but I let her go back into my main office. Darn it, I'd gotten too close again to being comfortable. I looked down on myself and realized I hadn't been fully dressed up either, gosh I was a mess. I pulled my belt through the rest of the loops and pulled my zipper up, hoping she hadn't noticed my fly was open. Then I moved to my heavy uniform and shoved it on, it brought warmth which substituted for an actual coat. And as usual I took a look at my reflection in my phone screen. My hair was thankfully brushed now and I raised a brow in satisfaction. The scaring on my face surely did symbolize being a leader, along with this stupid robot arm. It was a good replacement but I never completely bonded with idea of something missing. I should've stayed with Y/N, gosh why didn't I stay with her? (If confused he's referencing to when you got kidnapped by The Blue Army and he didn't stay with you when rescued) I shook my head at the memory and continued getting ready.

Full dressed I stepped out of my personal office and shut the door behind me, remembering to lock it. I had to explain to Y/N she'd be living at the base, especially since her father was so demanding of knowing all my facts and such. It was hard just calling him up. I was nervous and often tremors had me at my throat but I did my job professionally and exceptionally good for the circumstances behind it. Y/N's father was a exactly what I found him to be too. He was protective, unforgivably interruptive, and was independent seeming like Y/N herself. I continued down the hall with few little steps and met Y/N looking at a drafted sketch on my desk. It was of my giant robot, which was planning to be remade... But it should've been put away in my desk. I cleared my throat to announce her that I was in her presence and she turned to me startled. "Tord uh, " She turned her whole body towards me. I couldn't help but smile and walk past her, "It's fine, it's fine. And call me Sir at work, I wouldn't want my assistant calling me by my name. It'd be unprofessional." She blushed, dumbfounded that she was my assistant for the day. "A-assistant??" I gave her a small nod and offered her a seat besides my wheeled chair, "Please, sit." She was shocked by all of this but didn't give up her rosy cheeks act either. "And also, relax Ms. L/N you're with me," I added sitting down and turning my back to her for only a moment to put away my sketches, "You shouldn't be hurt in any way." She was silent and I found myself wanting to explain myself to her. I was her boss.. But a boss who had just decided to have her live here. And was also an ex boyfriend boss who signed a contract clearly stating she couldn't work as a soldier for me any longer. I was controlling her again and even though she said she was possibly thankful for me giving her no choice to live here, I knew she was maybe mad at me. My behavior wasn't unfamiliar to her. I began, "Ms. L/N.." She peered up from a document I had her filling out. "Would you allow me to discuss why I was on the phone with your father?"

Y/N froze but melted as she proceeded to nod at me. I took a breath and explained further, "When you told me this morning that your father was kicking you out I took assumption that you didn't have enough time provided to find an apartment." She looked at her heels with nothing to say and from the look on her face she was saying, oh boy. "So I, as your leader and boss have decided to get you a single room here in the base. I hope to my best it doesn't bother you that I've--" I blushed and quit the professional talk on her. "I hope it doesn't bug you that I have decided to make another decision for your comfort as my employee." She tapped the pencil she had against my desk and took a short breath, "Mr. Larsson this doesn't bug me, but we should get back to work.. really though thank you." She offered her old familiar smile to me and I nodded, dismissing her back to work.

(1587 words :3)

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