Eight: Getting snappy

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Third Person View:

Tord became scared of Y/N as the plate crashed on the ground. She was beautiful when she became mad and was indeed sexy in Tord's eyes. She stormed past him, her foots steps being loud enough for the people underneath them to hear. "Y/N..," Tord tried catching her hand but she pulled away violently. "What about dinner..?" He asked her. She didn't even turn around to meet his gaze, "You're a grown man Tord. Eat yourself." She then slammed the bathroom door shut. Tord couldn't help but smile now, she was a feisty little thing. Then he walks into the kitchen he cleans up the mess Y/N sighing to himself. "I just gave myself one heck of a night.."

After 20 minutes Tord made himself a plate of spaghetti and then one for Y/N. He still cared about her no matter what she was feeling like. As he walked to the bathroom with her plate of food he knocked on the bathroom door, "Can I come in? I have a peace offering.." Y/N lay curled up and angry on the tiled floor but knew she had to face Tord someway or another. Whether it was his sarcasm or irritating remarks. "Yeah.. I guess.." She growled at him through the door before he could step in. He carried two plates in hand and smiled gently, "I'm sorry.. I really am.. I just--" Y/N interrupted him, she couldn't even stand his apologetic side. "It's done with isn't it? So just stop talking about it okay?" Tord's eye bows furrowed, now he was a little hurt that Y/N was so pissed off with him. He moved over next to Y/N slowly, making sure she wasn't going to bite him. She took the plate from him and sighed softly, "I'm sorry.. I just it's going to shock my parents even more know. And.. they still need to meet you and all this crazy crap has happened to me. I just.. I'm angry that you would take me out of place like that without my permission." Tord became irritated and the bathroom never felt so tense, "I can do anything I want with you as a soldier without permission."

Y/N scoffed dropping some spaghetti out of her mouth, "So what now? Are you going to force me around without my consent? You can't control me Tord. Relationships aren't the same as being a leader over something. The two people have to work as a team! You can't just decide for me back and forth."

"You aren't stable enough to go back into working! Damn it Y/N can't you just open your eyes, I'm not trying to control you. I'm simply just trying to keep you safe. Think about returning to work with people surrounding you with questions and threats about Christina and even me, do you want that?!" (Tord)

"Why do you care so much about what people think, Tord I don't care if I'm beat up or threatened. I'm in love with you!" (Y/N)

Tord immediately dropped the conversation after three simple words came out of her mouth. She was right, just like Amy was. He cared about what others thought and was really bad at hiding it. Especially after his plan to "rule the world" deal back at Edd's place years ago. While in the thought process of all that was happening Tord tried to cover himself again, "Don't say that Y/N.." She ran her fingers through her hair taking in a deep breath, "Don't say what Tord? That you care about what people think? I'm just saying you're only human. You need to realize I'm only human too and that we need to get past this. If you can't handle whatever we have over your reputation then consider us done. I want you, I want somebody who will care for me.. like you. But when you say things like things like this, you make me feel like you are ashamed of being with me." Tord looked away in shame, he had felt like this. But he had to think about her and how she would feel. She needed him and he needed her but right now he was too over the top about his reputation.

They ate quietly in the bathroom together exchanging silent apologies. Nothing could be expressed or felt because the anger was stronger than love itself in the moment. They remained this way for the rest of the night and Y/N returned to the sofa she had been sleeping on, he kissed her forehead and quietly mumbled he loved her although he knew she was pretending to be asleep. Tord regretted he made such a decision but was glad to know she was going to be safe with him now. This felt like the loneliest night of Tord's life.

A/N: Ahh the first fight you and Tord have. Isn't it lovely? Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual and depressing. It was kind of a venting chapter for me as an author.. Thanks for reading!

(850 words :3)

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