Eleven: Foreshadow

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A/N: It was actually raining where I live when I wrote this! How lovely. 😍

Foreshadow: be a warning or indication of (a future event).

Third Person View:

The town was quiet and at peace. Cars slept on and by the side of the streets. Each of these cars had somebody in them. Some of them off to work, emergencies, and extras in life. But who ever thought to go into a town and visit an old, familiar place?

"Okay Y/N, what do you wanna do first?? Coffee.. The mall?? It's all up to you." Tord ruffled the woman's hair contently. She simply pulled his hand away and ruffled his hair back in response, "How bout some coffee? Some real coffee. The stuff you have back at camp sucks, no offense." He laughed off his offended side, parking the car. "Anything you want honey.." The two step out of the vehicle and walk along the pavement for some time. The fresh air is nice and the two have a long peace of silence. Tord thinks off, he thinks of a future with Y/N. He is surprised with these thoughts, especially since they had recently just gotten into a relationship but he thinks about intimacy. Y/N enjoys the light breeze, she is glad to be back in the town she calls her home. Even if it is just for a hour or so. She wonders if Tord will take her to visit her parents, she pulls the thought away. It wasn't time to introduce him yet.. Or so she thought. She thought about her father's reaction more than her mother's. Her dad and Tord had so much in common, she imagined them laughing even if there was nothing to laugh about. They passed a wedding dress shop, which made Y/N nervous at first, but daydream helplessly at the thought of Tord and her together at an alter. It was a warm, sprouting feeling that enhanced them both. And yet they didn't know how one another felt.

They reached the coffee shop, Tord held the door for Y/N and she walked in. The shop was cute and comfy, booths close to the windows. Little yellow strung lights hung above the two, this made Y/N's glow in a way. Tord noticed her beam, took her hand, and whispered in her ear. His breath tickled her and she giggled. She proceeded to tell him what she wanted and then she took a seat in a booth. Butterflies filled her stomach as he, minutes later, walked with two coffees in hand. His walking had become familiar to her, she thought the way he put his foot in front of another was cute. He was confident. "Got my coffees Tordie", she asked as he sat down. He rose a brow in confusion, "Your coffees? My dronning I'm afraid you'll have to share." They both shared a laugh bumping foreheads in adoration. "Very well." She continued taking a first sip out of the cup. Tord closed his eyes to add dramatic affect and took a sip of his, it was hot and burned his tongue but he didn't let himself flinch away. Y/N watched with curiosity at him, he just had to look stunning every moment didn't he? As he looked up to her from his sip, a piece of hair left the side of his ear and to his forehead. She felt the urge to put it behind his ear again, leaving her in awkward position. Tord took her loose hand in the air and put it against his face, "Your hands are so soft.." She stared in awe at him before responding. She had to be smart with her reply, "Your lips are softer.." They kiss and from a far it looked decent but this time the kiss was slow, and more feeling. Tord thought her warmer than his coffee, the sounds of a boiling pot going off in his mind. This was his new definition of lovely.

 This was his new definition of lovely

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Your Pov:

It was now noon and we had left the coffee shop. We wandered aimlessly at streets and corners with lights. The day was far better that I imagined how it would be, not that I was one to doubt but often I wondered what Tord was really up to. Sure he wanted to go to town for many reasons, but I hoped that out of all those reasons I was the most important.

The air became colder minute by minute. I hadn't noticed this at first but the uninviting feeling crept into the sleeve of the oversized sweater I was wearing. Finally droplets started to pour down from the sky, one on my arm, one of my nose, now thousands in my hair. I giggled and pulled Tord's hand in dance. He played along with me and twirled me around. The rain began to pour harder. The town was darker than before now, people ran across the street, and to the nearest building they saw. Some, with umbrellas, walked past us. Their anonymity encouraging me to continue being myself. My hair was soaked and droopy now, along with my cloths. Tord's hair mimicked a darker color now and was flatter along with his one eye that stared back at me. He smirked, out of breath from running around with me. "A-Are you done yet?" He huffed out and caught himself on his knees. I opened my mouth and let out a laugh, "Your hair is so flat!" He grinned and grabbed my waist, kissing me hardly. We after having a little more fun, left and walked into a mall. Our soaked presence obviously not appreciated. But I didn't care, this was considerably fun.

"Wanna eat? It's 1:00 now.." He spoke and we continued to look around. "Sure," I responded thinking about the options. Let's see... Subway, McDonald's, Burger King... Panda Express. Oh I liked the idea of Panda Express. I turned to him and nodded my head towards the surprisingly uncrowded place, "There?" He squinted unsure. And nodded, "Yeah that works." We continued walking forward until Tord's name was called. And by an unfamiliar voice. A female's.. He turned around and winced, who was it?

The girl was blonde, matching with blue big eyes. Her makeup was well done and her lips look so unreal, plump. "Hey Amy.." He spoke with such kindness it made me jealous of her. I smiled at her, trying my best to be kind. Maybe they were just friends.. "Oh I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself, I'm Amy. Me and Tord knew each other in high school." She smiles, her teeth are of course perfect. I smile back and continue with introducing myself, "I'm Y/N.. Nice to meet you." Tord silently takes my hand, a sign of comfort and symbolization of a relationship. "What brings you into town? Duties of some sort?" She laughs and Tord laughs along. A fake but still a handsome laugh, "Well no, got the day off. I'm spending it with Y/N, gotta get out of the base camp I run." Now he was boasting, I loved him but not this side of him. She gasped, "What the what?! You run a camp now??" She was obviously he was the red leader. Tord defined his statement and they continued to talk until she got a phone call, "Well it was good talking to you. And it was nice meeting you," she looked to me. "Make him treat you right." She whisphered and then walked away. Woah.. Wait. Treat me right? I was about to stop her but Tord turned me around, he was angry seeming. "I don't want you near her.. She isn't good news." I nodded and touched his cheek, he was boiling. Wasn't he happy? Then it came to me, she was an ex. An ex who obviously hurt him. I wasn't hungry anymore.

Tord told me about the girl, Amy. She didn't sound as good as she appeared. She dumped him in high school, lead him on, and even told him to become a man. This made me scoff, you could never expect a boy to become a man in high school. I comforted him the best I could but it seemed like his attitude was ruined for the day. That stupid girl. "Wanna go back? I'd hate for you to feel uncomfortable.." I commented, wrapping my arm with him. He seemed hesitant at first, his frown increasing. "I'm sorry Y/N.. I really wanted this to be a fun day for us. I just.. Ugh.. I can't take knowing I could bump into worse people." I felt slightly hurt that he agreed to leave but I'm glad he could be honest with me, "Yeah.. It's okay babe. We can watch a movie or something. Cuddle I don't know, now it's your turn though-- to decide what we do." He smiled at me kissing my cheek quickly, "Let's get outta here then." And with that we walked out and into the rain again.

The anonymity continued between the strangers and us, except we didn't dance in the rain this time. We just stay huddled together. Which was perfectly fine with me, he had a very warm shoulder. I looked into the wedding dress shop window slowly again as we passed it. I didn't want to stare for too long though.Umfortionally, I stared long enough to let Tord see this. He stopped our pace together and looked into the window with me. There was a long silence and I felt the familiar feeling of awkward come into the air. Then after minutes of quiet Tord spoke, "You know you're the only girl right?" I looked to him, blushing madly. What was I to say or think? My heart skipped faster and faster as he looked to me, meeting my stare. "Y-yes.." I respond feeling like I was choking. He smiled, an unfamiliar one, and we started walking again. I felt my pulse slow at the pressure gone, but one thing remained. A simple question really.

Has he foreshadowed the future?

(1696 words :3)

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