-19- I've long Forgotten; how to Serve Guests.

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Takara noticed how there were no lights on in the mansion

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Takara noticed how there were no lights on in the mansion. Although there were lamps along the hallways, the girl preferred to travel with only a candle's light to provide.

They returned to the room Takara woke up in-- and there, on the table, was a warm mug of tea.

"I'm sorry to keep you here," the girl apologized, "I can't afford to burn a lot of fuel for lights, seeing as fuel is a precious source in this rainy country."

That made sense. Keeping the lights off unless needed, because there wasn't much to go around. But was there no on living in this mansion? Was this girl living alone in such a cold, dark building?

Takara took subtle note that the room had no windows.

Takara sipped on the tea he was provided-- only to find it was much too sweet. It was lukewarm, too. It was not a very... pleasing thing to go down his throat, but it was drinkable.

He couldn't suppress the disgust that marred his expressions, though.

The girl took a sip-- and promptly sighed.

"I... apologize," she seemed sad, noting the repulse that scrunched up Takara's face, "I haven't brewed tea for someone else in a long time, so I'm... not too sure what tea is supposed to taste like."

Takara felt a soft spot swell inside him. 

"Do you live alone here?" he was hasty in his question, confused, surprised-- "why? what about your family, where are they?"

The girl seemed taken aback by the sudden rush of questions. 

"I've always been alone," her answer was hesitant, she wasn't comfortable saying it, "that's how everything ended up. If I could, I'd leave the country... but the Shikke watch the sea carefully for uncharted boats. Leaving just isn't that easy."

Leave the country. If that was her first choice, that meant she had no family on the island. She was alone-- yet, she was bound to this castle. Alone-- for how long?

Loneliness was a painful thing, Takara knew. He knew better than most. 

His heart clenched painfully at the thought-- this girl was not much older than Cross. Such a kind and gentle child-- why didn't she just go down, into the town Takara saw outside?

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