-43- Marine Soldiers; and Big Shots.

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"Catch that bear!" a shopkeeper yelled to the streets, "it snatched a fish and ran!"

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"Catch that bear!" a shopkeeper yelled to the streets, "it snatched a fish and ran!"

Leer scampered with its tiny paws, a large fish in his mouth as he growled hungrily through his teeth, dashing around in tempestuous frenzy as he zoomed through the crowd.

He ran headfirst into a man's shin.

Shrieking in agony, the man grabbed the bear.

"What in the world is a bear doing here??"

"Gawrah!" Leer shrieked back in pained argument.

The man returned the fish to the shopkeeper, wondering if that was still edible. Catching sight of the collar on Leer's neck, he realized that this bear had a owner, so they couldn't make a meal out of him-- or maybe they could, whatever.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue, "geez, if you're gonna have a collar, "he grumbled, lifting the bear up by the scruff, making the animal face him, "shouldn't there be some goddamn contact information on you or something--"

A green glint caught his sight.

At the hem of the collar, buckled in with steel, was a green gem. It was shaped like a four-pointed diamond-- but was an emerald. And it didn't even look fake.

"What's such a valuable thing doing on a baby beast like you?" He reached toward it curiously-- 

"GAR!!!" Leer chomped on his hand.

"GYAA!" the man screamed, pulling his hand out but the hand was stuck on him like a piranha, "it's biting me! Help!"

Angered, he threw his hand down, tossing the beast cub to the ground.

Leer was shaken off, rolling to a rough landing and jumping right up, growling at the imbecile.

"Go back to your owner!" the man yelled in resignation, "I'll fry you in oil, pipsqueak!"

A shuddering grunt still in his throat, Leer angrily barked at him another while longer before he bolted from the scene. The man sighed, shaking his stinging palm with resignation.

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