-28- Home isn't; where We are.

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Visul choked back a sob

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Visul choked back a sob. She sprawled over the ground trembling, unable to lift her limbs-- A gash ran down her arm, and her ankle was bent.

Luz stood over her, large wooden planks in his hand torn from the broken bookshelves, a makeshift shield to defend against the sword Elder Yun wielded.

Blood dripped from the wound at his head, spilling over one eye and leaving him half blinded.

"Vis, Vis! Get up!" Luz urged hastily.

His foot slipped on something warm and wet-- and red--

"Vis, you're losing too much blood!" Luz raised his voice, "wake up!"

"Don't you think you're too distracted in a battle?" Elder Yun warned.

The sword broke through wood, a deep slice running down Luz's arm without mercy-- Luz screamed as he felt flesh tear, nerves rip, and bones sever.

His hand was lopped off at the wrist.

He felt tears coming as his voice escaped in agony through his throat-- he dropped, failing to find balance-- 

"If you would stay still, we would have allowed you a quick and painless death, Luz," Elder Yun warned, "but you insisted to resist, which brought us here."

Luz bit back tears, raising his gaze strongly in spite. His hand gripped at his wound, figuring out ways to stop the bleeding somehow-- he couldn't heal it, he didn't have the time nor ability to--

The tip of the blade aimed at the centre of his eyes.

"You seem like you have much to say, but I'm afraid this is where you die," Elder Yun considered, "the Yun clan have a degree of resistance to the Yunhi, but we are not immune to the blaze. I shall take my leave now."

The Yunhi, Luz noted, the inextinguishable blue fire boasted by the Yun.

There had to be a weakness in this. A way they can win.

Elder Yun saved his sword, eyed the two once more over-- then promptly left through the open window, leaving the twins to die in the inferno-- or from blood loss, whichever came first.

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