-45- Debts should Always; be Paid back Threefold.

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She knew Grizzly and Mime were being led off to the prison at this very moment, but she did't think she could handle going there and seeing them go

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She knew Grizzly and Mime were being led off to the prison at this very moment, but she did't think she could handle going there and seeing them go.

She had long hair a shade of silver rarely seen around. Her crushed right eye was always covered behind a rose-patterned eyepatch, so she decided to don a decorative name, Rose, in her voyages with the Masked Merchants.

One thing she knew for sure was that she despised the World Government. She, and Pierrot both, held seething acrimony for the injustice that was the corrupted rulers of the world-- it wasn't that uncommon, plenty of people hated them.

But the thought of ever being protected under the World Government, even if it could offer them a familial peace-- the suggestion of it made bile churn in her stomach, and disgust sap away at her spirit.

"Grizzly doesn't understand anything," she mumbled to herself the third time that day, grumbling feverishly, kicking stones at the cove.

She tucked herself away in lonesome places, sulking to herself. Her strolled to the shore, the ship-breaking yard, where Pierrot was last seen in his final bout of rebellious effort before he eventually caved to destiny as well...

Rose didn't like to give up yet-- but she had no power and no courage to reject the decision like Pierrot did. She didn't have the mental fortitude to stand up like Jester did.

She felt emotionally alone. 

Crouching in the corner of the alley, she decided to stay depressed just a little longer. Maybe she'll just leave like this. Go off, like Pirouette's already done-- and disappear before anyone notices. Then she can perhaps bring her mind off of this forever.

"Cion would understand," she assured herself, "maybe Cion can bring me away, and we can go together out into the seas again."

Grizzly, Mime and Masquerade were the oldest members of the Merchants. Rose had been with them seven years-- parting was much too painful for her now. 

She turned toward the town, watching the city be.

A scampering brown bear hopped around the corners of the road, making its way shifting through feet and human shoes-- Rose perked up, recognizing the little being.

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