-40- Finding; the Ending.

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It's been a day since their arrival

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It's been a day since their arrival.

Leer wasn't allowed to steal anything in this town, so he tagged along with Takara. The red-haired male wandered to the sides of towns, the alleys, the dumpster-- and gathered pieces of wood, metal and anything that looked useful-- like a homeless old man, somehow.

But it was free stuff, he'd argue.

"Now that I think about it," Takara mumbled to himself and the bear, "Leer's got his collar, Cross has a pendant and I have this belt... what should I give Visul for the pirate mark?"

"Gaoo," Leer whined, "Uuuh."

"Ah, you're hungry?" Takara turned to the bear in attention, "sorry. Let's go back to the inn, then."

Pulling a bunch of scrap metal and wood he gathered from the slums, he dragged it across the ground, strolling around the town.


"Are we lost?" Visul asked, carrying a bag of fruits and vegetables.

Cross hailed two bags of groceries on his shoulders, "I can't find the inn!" he wailed, despaired.

Visul sighed. Well, her sense of direction wasn't any better... she'd forgotten where the inn was already. She wondered if Takara would be angry if he realized these two couldn't even run an errand properly...

"Oh, you two!"

A pink-haired boy was lifting a long wooden pole on his shoulders, bringing it to the shipbuilding yard. Spotting the two lost children, he swung around-- his wooden pole spinning across the place and sending another man flying.

"Watch where you're swinging that thing!" the victim yelled.

"Sorry!" he laughed, putting the stick down vertically beside him, "hey, you two, what's up?"

Cross and Visul noticed him-- they leaned closer, getting a better look at the man down at the port-- He was a little older than both of them, rough pink hair, baby blue eyes-- he had a childlike babyface, smiling widely as he waved at the two.

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