-32- A Resolve Born; from Being with You.

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"The battle is far from over!" Cross yelled

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"The battle is far from over!" Cross yelled.

The villagers surrounded them, inching closer with their weapons, some lit up in a spark of blue flames-- but none took that daring step forward for the first step.

Cross clung to his wound, falling on one knee.

"Just the small fries left," Takara was staggering as well, "we can make it."

"You say that and you look like the wind could blow you down," Luz joked, leaning heavily against the tree, "why don't you stay back and let me do it?"

"Luz, you're half conscious," Visul helpfully supplied, "and you suck at using the strings."

"Visul, you got my blade stuck in a goddamn tree," Cross growled, eyeing the fallen tree and the blade stuck inside its broken trunk, "how am I gonna fight now?"

"My bad," Visul muttered, a smirk growing on her face as she spoke jokingly, "why don't you sleep over there while we finish up, then?"

Luz snickered, and Takara chuckled.

"Hey, that's not funny!" Cross whined, "I'm dying here!"

The three burst into laughter. Cross pouted.

With a new resolve in their step, they charged forward toward the crowd.


A gunshot burst through the air. The man Cross was fighting fell down, having been shot right in the back. Cross fell back, exhausted-- realizing that was the last of their foes, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you guys!" Titus hollered.

"Titus?!" Cross shot back up.

The blond man had changed his own bandages, walking up the mountain. He looked around, appalled at the destruction and the burnt trees, and the unconscious bodies shrewn about all over the place.

"Geez, you guys, what on earth did you do when I was sleeping?" Titus scratched the back of his head, "did you kill the whole population?"

He approached Cross with ease, eyeing the wound on the younger boy's shoulder.

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