-46- Former Marines; Former Convicts.

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Grizzly Hornigold roars

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Grizzly Hornigold roars.

Dragging his beaten body through the rubble, he brushes the rocks away, even through his torn skin. His ankle is bent, but it was only a sprain. His head is bleeding, but it was only a scratch. 

The throne room was trashed, debris fallen in crusted, broken bits unacceptable to audience a king. The king was sent to his room, ironically enough-- this was not a scene for him to witness.

"Send a bill to Sengoku," Rear Admiral Ensie had to cheek to satirically jeer, "I'm sure he'll have this fixed in moments."

Masquerade's mask was broken by his side.

"Anyone conscious?" he called, voice hoarse.

Little could move-- if they were aware, they could not make a sound. Fortunately, no one seemed to be dead-- but injuries were far too severe for further battle.

Knight pried himself away from the wall, forcing his cracked helmet from his head. A cut scratched his neck, but he was free from mortal injuries. He threw it aside with a swear spat under his breath. 

"Fuck, they took Mime," he swore, "Grizzly!"

Fox held her wounded elbow, cringing at the acidic burn of bacteria in broken flesh. She held it close to her chest, and leaned heavily against the wall.

Jester was unconscious, his small frame crushed under a large block of broken cement. Dragging his feet, Grizzly threw an arm over the debris and pushed him free.

Those who could move quickly got each other away from immediate danger-- 

Grizzly's eyes swam over each and every one of them-- and it wasn't difficult to recognize the bubbling boil of resolve and determination still burning bright in their eyes.

No one was in the condition to fight. Not even he, with a bounty of twenty million berries, could stand up easily against a Rear Admiral-- much less a fleet.

This was a losing fight they wanted to burst into.

And Grizzly couldn't do that to his comrades, his family.

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