-41- Opposed to; the Ending.

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"Ehhh? Old man Bear's quitting?" Cross gawked exaggeratedly loudly, tears nearing him in disappointment

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"Ehhh? Old man Bear's quitting?" Cross gawked exaggeratedly loudly, tears nearing him in disappointment.

"Yeah!" Jester chuckled, "we decided to stay on this island from now on! It's fun, we still get tons of work, after all!"

"You're not going to sail anymore?" Visul sounded sad, "no more adventures?"

Jester seemed to pause a little at that-- Visul had a tearful, tragic expression, as if someone had just forced her into such a whirl of bad emotions she was going to burst into cries--

Jester put a hand on her head, as if in assurance or comfort.

"The sea's dangerous," he told her, "pirates, bounty hunters and occasionally marines come after us sometimes because of the bounty on Grizzly's head. We're trying to redeem ourselves, but with how we're going, we won't hold out for very long."

"Aren't you guys strong?" Cross spoke up, looking down.

"We're strong, but not all of us," Jester sighed, "everyone wanted a life that's away from daily fighting and stressful night-watching. So we decided to stay here and work."

"Well, as long as you guys are happy about it..." Visul mumbled, still a little sulking. 

"How did you get so beat up, though?" Cross questioned, noting how Jester and Pierrot were covered in wounds when they saw them before.

Jester, understanding their concerned glances toward the bandages all over him, laughed at that.

"Pierrot and I were racing to climb the mast yesterday!" the lie slipped out of him easily, "then we fell down and got into a fight."

"Are you two idiots?" Cross laughed.


They walked through town, past a number of shops-- they stopped at a sweets shop, bought some daifuku, and continued on their way.

They found the inn eventually-- and there they parted ways.

Visul and Cross watched him walk off back toward the port, carrying a small box of pastry with him. His steps were considerably quicker than when he walked with the children-- he disappeared into the crowd almost too quickly.

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