-37- A Zoo, a Circus; or a Party, whatever.

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"I'm known as Grizzly!" the big burly man with a brown bear mask on his head let out a low-toned laughter, "I'm the Captain of this ship!"

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"I'm known as Grizzly!" the big burly man with a brown bear mask on his head let out a low-toned laughter, "I'm the Captain of this ship!"

"Grizzly, for a bear?" Takara asked jokingly, taking his hand in a handshake, "that's kinda direct. I'm Takara, sorry for intruding, I hope we won't be too much of trouble here."

"I'm Cross, and this is Leer!" Cross grinned, "we're pira--"

Takara elbowed his side sharply, "and that's Visul, please don't touch her," he pointed at the girl who nodded in response.

Cross was on the deck, in agony. 

Grizzly showed concern, his face falling anxiously, his hands fumbling about in panic, a feeble wimpiness absent from his first impression of a rough, strong bear-- "oh, you're pirates?" he didn't miss it, "are you sure about this, Enma?"

"Jahaha! Of course it's fine!" Enma laughed, "they're nice people! Pirates, but they saved my life, so they're nice people! Got that, everyone??"

"Well, if Enma trusts them, it's oughta be alright!" someone yelled from up in the sails.

"Don't underestimate us, Grizzly! They look harmless!"

"Hey, who's underestimating who now??" Cross retorted to the crowd, "We're strong!"

Laughter echoed in the back.

"They seem like fun guys, c'mon!"

"Captain, are you scared of a few pirates?"

"They caught Enma, so why not?"

"That's right, that's right!"

The ship was packed with people-- crew members of a male majority. Each of them had a mask adorning their faces-- the captain was a bear-- there was a monkey, a cat, a few birds-- then there were demonkin, and there were clowns.

Everyone wore a different mask, colours and shapes of every size filled the ship with a motley of crazy assortments-- to Cross and Visul, the atmosphere filled with the euphoria of a festival.

"We have guests!" A woman in an elephant mask declared, "what say we have a party, eh?"

The ship roared in gallant enthusiasm, the decision was unanimous, and barrels were broken for booze. It was a banquet to celebrate nothing more than a bunch of strange pirates coming up their ship as guests.

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