-29- A Change of Target; A Sibling Spat.

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Cross leaped, dodging a bomb

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Cross leaped, dodging a bomb. An explosion crumbled a tree, splinters shooting toward him so numerously he felt his skin tear and prickle in the sharp dust.

He was falling slowly toward the ground--

Then something zoomed in from the direction of the mansion, hooked around his neck, and make him plunge to the ground.

An older man, his clothes half down, stepped hard on Cross' hand and shoulder-- easily pinning the young boy in place.

"It is nice to see you again, intruder," Elder Yun grumbled, "I suspect you came back for your death?"

An arrow zoomed toward him-- Elder Yun easily avoided it, sending a glare at the direction of the archer. Takara was caught in a bomb, and fell from the tree.

"Takara!" Cross called, "you, get off me, old man!"

Elder Yun aimed his sword at Cross' neck. "We should hold your execution now as well, since we have the chance. You have been here long enough."

Cross flinched.

"Where's Luz?" he demanded, "wasn't he inside?"

Elder Yun laughed, "I see... the both of you have banded together like the weaklings you are," he jeered, "I left him in there to die-- if you miss him so, I'll send you to him right away."

Cross tagged out immediately, emerging behind the old man and leaping with his blade aimed at the old man's head.

The man swerved sharply, planting a hand at Cross' stomach before his palm exploded in blue flame, scorching through the boy's clothes in a searing rush of heat.

Cross was blown back.


"Cross!" Takara shot up, realizing then that he was surrounded. 

Spinning, he brought his feet a swerve across, swiping his surrounding people off their feet. He scrambled up another tree, wincing at his lack of arrows.

An assassin ambushed him from above, arms locked in a strangle at his neck-- With as much strength as he could muster, Takara threw the man off his back.

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