-23- A Fierce Enemy; is Better as a Comrade.

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"Out of our way, you

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"Out of our way, you."

Luz stood before the crowd, a kunai embedded in his shoulder. He pulled it out quickly, holding his hand over the wound.

"I won't move!" he yelled, "she's not a witch. I won't let you go to her again!"

A sword held him at the neck.

"You disappoint us all, Luz," Kara seethed, a threat that didn't lay far from assassination, "don't forget you're only a shy away from being in the same position as the rest of your family, you spawn of the witch."

Luz swung his Kunai at him-- but it was too short a weapon to reach.

"Well, aren't you lucky we noticed the traitors went into your house?" Kara laughed, "any later and we'd have accused you for harboring vagabonds, like your father did."

Luz sucked in a breath.

"My mother was not a vagabond," Luz grumbled, "you were-- all of you were."

A kick swung at him, throwing his head sharply to the side. Luz fell to the ground, his back stomped on by a much disgraceful foot.

"You were ninja that practiced witchcraft!" Kara condemned, "you sullied the honour of the shinobi bloodline, you deserved to be eradicated!"

"Fuck you and your views," Luz swore, fighting back and struggling against the foot that pinned him down, "the Shikke's Chiryouito are Ninjutsu, You just didn't want to believe it!"

"And this Ninjutsu can enable strings to move on their own? What nonsense," Elder Yun spat, "not once has Elder Mikadzu been able to explain to me the laws of your so-called Ninjutsu."

Luz couldn't retort to it.

It was in their blood-- the secret, the skill. Maybe Elder Yun was right-- it was witchcraft, something that sullied the pride of the honourable traditions of the Ninja countries. But they were born with that power and ability-- why was it a crime to use it?

"You... Mikadzu Luz," Elder Yun whispered, "if it weren't for the fact that you didn't inherit the magic, you would've gone that day like your traitorous father and your witch mother."

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