4- At first sight

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While i'm walking and thinking i hear close footsteps. It gets closer but I'm thinking its just someone walking very fast. Then i feel someone tap my shoulder. Aye. A familiar voice says. I turn around. Its Daniel. So don't be alarmed by that girl earlier cause i saw your face expression. He says slowly pushing me against the wall by my waist. Wow did he really see me? Was it obvious oh gosh thats kind of embarrassing well i got something to say. Why do you care i was just surprised that she was all up on you...not a first though all the girls must LOVE some of you aye? I say tilting my head. I don't think so i think only you would love some of me. He says winking at me. I feel a shiver down my... Well whole body. Oh and THATS what you think? I say looking away cause i cant look in his eyes. Oh well anyways i wanna start my semester with a good start and so i want you to ya know stop by to study because you can tutor me with some things. He says. Oh ok whatever. I say shrugging my shoulders trying not to care but i know that in the inside I'm screaming! Ard cool 5:10 today after school. He says starting to back up and walk away. Ok cool. I say. I wish i had someone to tell this to. But my friends just walk by me. They look like they were having SUCH a good conversation so ok, solo is no problem with me. But at least i can chill with Dan for a few. I step into my first class and notice Lauren and Meg coming after behind me looking for a seat near me. I just look at the teacher and check my phone just not caring where they'd sit. Yes that might be a little too rude to some but i just wanted to focus on the education that can ACTUALLY get me somewhere not friends.

After class....

I quickly walk out of class. To my locker.

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