39 - Arrogant bastard 😏

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# Areena's POV
# Date - December 06, 2022


"Now... You are completely ready."

The makeup artist's words snapped me out of my thoughts, and I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. She truly had magic in her hands; I looked... beautiful.

"You look so beautiful," another lady said, and the word made me think of Abid. He used to call me beautiful. But recently, he had been acting so strange, like I had done something wrong. I just didn’t know what.

These past days, I couldn’t stop thinking about Abid and his behaviour. Ali had always kept me so busy that I never had time to dwell on things. But now, being alone, my mind won’t stop racing.

I had tried calling Abid last night, but he didn’t answer. I desperately wanted to ask him if he truly wanted to marry me or if he was being forced into it.

"Areena... Are you ready? We have to leave for the venue!" Mum called out as she entered my room but paused when she saw me. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Mashallah... My daughter looks so beautiful," she said, and my stomach churned again. I had been feeling like this since yesterday—this strange, anxious sensation that I couldn’t shake.

I tried to hold back my tears but failed miserably. Mum came over and wiped away the tear that escaped.

"You’ll ruin your makeup, Aree. Don’t cry."

"But... this makeup is waterproof," the makeup artist chimed in, making Mum laugh. She didn’t understand that Mum just didn’t want me to cry; that’s why she was making excuses.

"I’m feeling weird, Mum," I confessed. I really didn’t know why I felt so restless.

"It happens to everyone, Aree. You don’t need to panic. Just take deep breaths and calm down."

I nodded and did as she said, though I still wished Ali or Sarah were here with me.

Soon after, we left for the venue. It took about an hour to get there. Mum and my aunts led me to a room and sat me down on a chair.

"I have to check the arrangements. You’ll be alright here, won’t you?" Mum asked. I felt anything but alright, but I nodded, and she left. I was with some of my cousins, but they were busy with each other as usual. I sat there silently.

After a while, I heard the sounds of commotion from downstairs. A girl rushed into the room, announcing that the Baraat had arrived. My heart started racing. All the girls went to see the Baraat, leaving me alone in the room.

I was feeling so many strange emotions that I couldn’t even describe them. I stood up and began pacing back and forth, trying to calm myself down, but it was no use. Just then, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my clutch and instantly answered when I saw who was calling.

"Assalamualaikum, Dulhan sahiba. How are you?" Sarah’s voice greeted me.

"Walaikumussalam... Can we video call?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, sure. Why not? I want to..." She didn’t get to finish because I hung up and immediately called her back on video.

She picked up instantly.

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