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"You know," Aomine smiled as he spoke, "you've been spending a lot of time here with me. I don't think we've left the house for the last couple days."

Kuroko shrugged a little. "It's nice to stay here with you. Feels like we've been dating for so long, Aomine-kun."

Aomine laughed and stroked Kuroko's pale blue hair. "Still with the 'kun', Tetsu?"

"When it's just us, does it matter?" He smiled and leaned up to brush his lips against Aomine's. "You even said that we haven't left here for days."

Was that Kuroko's way of asking for a date? He had to wonder. He pecked Kuroko's lips, "Then let me take you out. Let's go for milkshakes. I know it must've been a while since you last had one."

Kuroko rolled off the bed, away from Aomine and started to get dressed. He went right to Aomine's dresser and put on one of his big shirts.

Aomine cleared his throat, staring at Kuroko. "If you dress like that..." he stood up and went to wrap his arms around Kuroko's waist. "I'm going to want to eat you up here and now."

"No, Aomine-kun." Kuroko pulled out of Aomine's arms and turned to face him. The short male reached up and pressed a finger up to Aomine's lips. "We have to go out first."

Aomine laughed and nodded. "Alright, I promised you a milkshake, so we can go get milkshakes." He started to get dressed too and soon enough, they were walking out of Aomine's front door.

He held Kuroko's hand tightly as they walked to the Majiba and Kuroko's favorite place to get milkshakes. Kuroko's expression was back to being his usual blank one.

He opened the door for Kuroko as they walked in. Kuroko walked past Aomine, barely touching his arm and saying, "I'll get us a table. You know what I like." He disappeared into the restaurant and left Aomine alone in the line to get the milkshakes.

When Aomine got a vanilla milkshake for each of them, he went to the small window table Kuroko was sitting at. He set one of the shakes in front of Kuroko. "It still feels funny to be on a date with you, Tetsu."

"Funny?" Kuroko tilted his head to the side and took a long drink of the shake.

"Not funny, exactly," he shrugged a little. "But more like here we are, years later and I'm actually on a date with you. It... makes me happy."

"It makes me happy too, Daiki-kun." Kuroko's expression was unchanged as he spoke.

Aomine's eyes widened. Kuroko actually used his first name? Damn, it made him feel so happy. He'd dreamed about Kuroko for a while and now Kuroko was calling him by his first name? It was too good to be true. He reached out for Kuroko's hand. "I want to know everything I can about you. What are you doing now? What's new in your life?"

Kuroko's eyes widened, clearly, he was not expecting these kinds of questions. "Daiki-kun... please choose one question."

"Just one?" He laughed a little, hopefully he'd be able to get Kuroko to loosen up more. "How about, what have you been doing since high school?"

"That's still a big question." Kuroko furrowed his brow slightly. But Aomine wasn't going to let Kuroko get out of answering. He kept his gaze on the smaller male. Kuroko let out a short breath. "Alright, Daiki-kun... well, I've been in college. Mostly general classes right now. But I've been a bit distracted in the last year."

"Distracted?" Aomine's brow furrowed. He had always known Kuroko to be dedicated. What changed?

"Relationships and breakups..." Kuroko looked back down at his milkshake. "I lost focus. Lost the thing I wanted most."

"Then this... us..." Aomine trailed off, trying to find the perfect words. "I don't want to distract you further. If you know what you want, then you should focus on it."

Kuroko smiled, reaching out to hold Aomine's hand. "Believe me or not, but I already am. You don't need to worry, Daiki-kun."

[AN: I would love to hear what you guys think! what do you think of Kuroko??]

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