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Aomine opened the door to his apartment and walked in. Kagami immediately stood up from the couch and walked over to him. Aomine smirked. "Miss me?" He walked in more and set the bags of burgers down on the coffee table. "I was hoping to get back before you even woke up."

Kagami laughed a little and went to the kitchen and got plates for them and returned to Aomine in the living room. "When I noticed you weren't here, part of me thought you were going to disappear on me, but of course I'm the one staying in your apartment." He looked down as he got out the burgers and separated them onto plates for each of them. "You probably want me out of your hair by now."

"If I did, would I have brought back food for you?" Aomine laughed and picked up his plate and sat back on the couch, leaning back against the cushions and closing his eyes. "Actually... I like the company."

"In general or is my company special?" Kagami asked without looking at Aomine.

Aomine raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Kagami moved slowly as he sat down on the couch next to Aomine. He finally looked Aomine in the eyes. "Maybe it's strange to talk about it since I've already been here for a couple days and we've been... close... the whole time, but are friends that snuggle or are we... something else?"

He let out a small laugh. It was cute how it was taking Kagami so long to say that he wanted something more. Aomine decided to draw it out a little longer. "What do you mean? I haven't thought about anything too deeply, myself."

Kagami cleared his throat. "I mean... I thought with the way you've been holding me in your arms... Like maybe there's something between us... would you want to be with me?"

"Be with you? Aren't I with you right now?" Aomine wondered if Kagami knew that he was teasing him on purpose.

Kagami let out a breath. He took the plate from Aomine's hands and set it on the coffee table. Aomine carefully watched Kagami's every move. He really did move in a smooth and gentle way despite being such a big guy. Kagami leaned over and placed his lips over Aomine's, kissing him firmly. He kissed Kagami back and he could feel the surprise in Kagami's lips when he stopped kissing for a moment. Aomine buried his fingers in the hair on the back of Kagami's head and slowly leaned him back against the couch.

Kagami moved his hands to Aomine's shoulders and gently pushed him back. He took a moment to catch his breath and Aomine couldn't stop staring at his soft, warm lips. "I-I... before we do anything... I don't want to be friends with benefits. I don't want to do more unless we're both serious."

Aomine chuckled. "Then as of now, we're going out. You're my boyfriend now."

Kagami grinned and rested his hands on Aomine's cheeks, pulling him in for another deep kiss.

He stayed in the kiss for a long moment. He even went as far as to use his knee to spread Kagami's legs. It really was different having Kagami's muscular build underneath him compared to Kuroko's spindly frame. He traced his hands down Kagami's sides, making himself focus only on Kagami.

He mumbled between their lips, "Let's go away. Do a trip, just you and me."

Kagami pulled away from the kiss, looking up into Aomine's eyes. "You mean it?"

Aomine nodded. "I want to be alone with you."

Kagami smiled wide and wrapped his arms around Aomine's shoulders. "That sounds magical."

[AN: hello all! what do you think of Aomine and Kagami getting together here? Like the feels? Want more? By the way, I don't think I'm going to include any smut scenes in this fanfic ^^' but there will be much more drama ahead too! I hope you stay tuned! ^^]

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