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Aomine had stopped counting the days. It was already Saturday again and he was getting ready to leave for another shift at the bar. He had been trying to message Kuroko for the first few days. Asked how Kuroko's mother was doing. But Kuroko had never replied. He tried to just chock it up to Kuroko being preoccupied with his family, but something definitely off. If only he knew what.

He looked at his phone screen that was devoid of any notifications. He let out a sigh and went to the door. He opened it and there was Kuroko, poised to knock. His eyes widened when he saw the small male. "T-Tetsu?"

Kuroko smiled a bit. "I missed you, Daiki-kun." He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Aomine.

Aomine hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head. They stood there like that for a minute before Aomine pulled Kuroko into his apartment, forgetting all about the shift he was supposed to go to.

He pulled back enough so he could kiss Kuroko. "I missed you so much. Is your mom doing better?"

Kuroko looked at him for a minute before nodding. "Oh yes, she's doing much better, I'm glad to say."

He smiled and caressed Kuroko's cheek. "I'm glad you're here."

Kuroko nuzzled into Aomine's hand. "I've missed being in your arms." Kuroko pulled Aomine by the hand towards the bedroom.

Once inside, Kuroko reached up for Aomine's face and pulled him into another kiss. Aomine kissed him back, resting his hands on Kuroko's waist and pulled him closer. He swore he felt Kuroko wince. He tried to pull back from the kiss, but Kuroko leaned up to close the distance again.

Kuroko's slender fingers slid down from Aomine's shoulders to his chest. He took his time undoing each button and casting Aomine's shirt to the side. Aomine moved his hands to the hem of Kuroko's T-shirt and slid it over his head. Kuroko's hands went down to undo Aomine's pants. His eyes widened. There were marks on the backs of Kuroko's hands, distorted skin. Kuroko's hands hadn't been like that before.

"Tetsu, your hands... what ha—" Aomine tried to ask but Kuroko silenced him with a kiss.

Kuroko undid Aomine's pants and pushed them down. He moved his slender hand to wrap around Aomine's sizeable cock. Kuroko knelt down to run his tongue over Aomine's cock. Aomine wanted to focus on the pleasure, but he was distracted when he saw Kuroko's back. Scars had been there before, but they looked so much newer. All of those old scars looked like they'd only happened a few days ago.

"Tetsu..." he breathed out, "what happened?"

Kuroko stood back up and placed his finger over Aomine's lips. "No words, Love. Just show me how much you love me."

Kuroko took off his own pants and went to sit on the bed. He spread his legs, enticing Aomine over.

Aomine walked over. He felt so conflicted. Everything on Kuroko was making him want to demand answers. But these sexy things Kuroko was doing, he didn't want to pass up on that either.

He rested a hand on Kuroko's cheek. "Tetsu, are you o—."

Kuroko leaned up to kiss him. He kissed him deeply, rubbing his tongue over Aomine's and even moved his hand down to touch Aomine again. Kuroko kept kissing him until he could feel Aomine getting hard in his hand. He whispered against Aomine's lips, "No words, only love."

[AN: thoughts on this turn of events?? What do you think will happen??]

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