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"Friend?" Aomine practically yelled. He didn't want to believe that Kuroko was friends with the jackass that had just been hitting on his boyfriend.

"Yes, Daiki-kun. Don't be angry with him, for me."

He pulled Kuroko into the nearest doorway. Unfortunately, it was a cramped bathroom meant for one person, but Aomine didn't care and closed the door behind them. "That little shit out there was just flirting with you, talking like you're the closest people in the world and you want me to not be angry? What the fuck, Tetsu?"

"We're just friends, Daiki-kun..." he looked up at Aomine, pleading in his eyes. "He was there with me when I was going through my last breakup."

"Really? Because that's not what it looks like!" Aomine just couldn't calm down, especially when Kuroko refused to give him answers he needed. "Is there something going on between you two? Don't lie to me."

Kuroko furrowed his brow, clearly getting upset now too. "I've been cheated on before. It was the worst feeling. I wouldn't do that to you!"

It was true that Aomine didn't know much about Kuroko's past relationships, but that was only because Kuroko wouldn't talk about them. Kuroko barely volunteered any information about his past in the three weeks that they'd been together.

He pointed to the door. "But that out there... how can you say that it's nothing when you won't even tell me about your previous relationships? You avoid my questions to the point where I don't bother to keep asking. What's going on, Tetsu? I see your scars and I can't even ask what I can do to help. And what about him? Is Akashi one of your past relationships?"

"Daiki-kun..." he let out a long sigh and leaned back against the counter. "I haven't always picked the best partners and I have visual reminders of it. But Akashi-kun was never one of them." Aomine's eyes widened, listening to all of this. Kuroko had been with people who would hurt him? Aomine had always thought of Kuroko as innocent and precious. How could someone dare to hurt someone like that?

He looked up at Aomine and right into his eyes. "It's true that when I was sort of in my last relationship, Akashi-kun did confess to me. But I told him no. And he moved on, Daiki-kun. He's dating someone else."

Aomine's throat tightened when Kuroko mentioned that Akashi had confessed to him. He wanted to believe him, he really did, but he knew what he had seen. "Are you sure he's over you? And you don't like him, right?"

Kuroko shook his head. "He is still my close friend. I hope you can understand."

"I can't tell you who to be friends with." Truly, Aomine did not understand. They were still friends? It was clear that Akashi still had a thing for Kuroko, and, if he wasn't mistaken, Kuroko had a thing for Akashi too. Close friends don't flirt like that.

[AN: thoughts so far? what do you think of Kuroko's... friendship... with Akashi? any thoughts on what will happen next?]

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