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Aomine ran up to Kagami, but Kagami had already collapsed to the grass beneath their feet. The tall guard dressed in dark clothing who had shot the dart, ran up at the same time. He had the same dart gun pointed at Aomine. He was slowly stepping closer to Aomine. But Aomine wouldn't leave his place, standing protectively over Kagami.

"What are you doing on private property?" The man gestured to Aomine with the gun.

Aomine didn't offer any explanation. He held his hands up in a truce kind of gesture and stepped back from Kagami. In the space he left, the man stepped forward and reached down to pick up Kagami's wrist. Aomine rolled his eyes, this guy was an idiot for taking his eyes off Aomine. He brought his leg back and then swiftly kicked his foot forward, hitting the guard right in the head.

The guard went spinning back and ended up on his back on the grass. Aomine walked closer again. He looked down at the guard as he put his foot on the man's throat. He narrowed his eyes. "No one touches my Kagami and gets away with it." He added pressure until he could see the man stop breathing.

He turned back to Kagami and carefully picked him up. He tried to stay quiet and out of the way so as not to attract the attention of anymore guards. As soon as he was at the edge of the property by where he had snuck in. He pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance. Kagami's clothes were all torn up and caked with blood. Aomine knew he wasn't enough to help Kagami.

[AN: you know what's weird? I've had this part written for idk how long, it was just sitting in my word doc and I forgot to post it... I'm sorry!! 😭😭😭 There's only 4 more parts remaining and I'm almost done with True Colors!]

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