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Aomine held the bouquet of roses behind his back as he walked into the hospital room. Alex was already with Kagami, helping him off the bed. Kagami was already fully dressed in a new set of clothes that Alex had brought. Remainders of bandages stuck out from under the clothes. Kagami still looked pale and thinner than he used to be. "Wow, Taiga. You look like shit." He teased.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Kagami teased back with a smile.

Aomine walked up and planted a kiss right on Kagami's lips. He pulled back after a moment. "You had us worried, a big guy like you passed out for so long?" Aomine tried to sound like he was still teasing, but he was about to get choked up. He cleared his throat and held up the dozen red roses to Kagami. "Is it too late to say get well soon?"

"Daiki, you didn't have to do this." Kagami smiled as he took the flowers. He took a deep smell of the roses.

He could see from the pure smile on Kagami's face that he loved the flowers despite saying they were unnecessary. He rested his hands on Kagami's cheeks. "You're out of bed for the first time in over a week. That's worth celebrating."

Kagami looked down again. "You know... I tried to ask Alex about what happened while I was here, but she hasn't said much."

Kagami and Aomine both looked at Alex. Alex gave Aomine a stern look and Aomine swallowed. He looked back at Kagami. "Let's get you home first, you can get settled down, then we can talk about everything." Somewhere private would be much preferable.

They got Kagami out of the hospital and into Alex's car. The ride back to Kagami's apartment was quiet. Aomine hadn't been back to his own since the cleaners came and took Kuroko away. He tried to push the image from his mind, he didn't want to stain his reunion with Kagami.

"You both look so on edge." Kagami broke the silence as they walked into his apartment.

"A lot happened while you were in the hospital," Alex spoke first.

"Taiga." Aomine turned to Kagami, taking both of his hands in his own. "Akashi and Kuroko are no longer with us."

"You mean..." Kagami looked right into Aomine's eyes.

Aomine nodded. He swallowed, waiting for Kagami's response.

Kagami smiled. "Oh good." He cleared his throat and let out a nervous laugh. "I mean...I know I shouldn't be happy...but now they won't come between us. I told Akashi that he was messing with the wrong guy. He should've listened to me."

Aomine laughed loud. "I don't know why I thought you'd be more upset about this."

"They were both there." Kagami's expression darkened. "Any remaining fond memories I had of either of them have been replaced by what they became."

"They're gone now." Aomine caressed Kagami's cheek. "I won't let anyone touch you again."

Kagami leaned, kissing Aomine deeply. He wrapped his arms around Aomine's shoulders. Aomine kissed back, teasing his tongue past Kagami's lips, snaking his arms around Kagami's waist.

"Mm!" Alex cleared her throat. When neither of them responded, she laughed and shook her head. "Well, I'll be leaving. I'll talk with you later, Taiga."

Aomine didn't even hear her. But Kagami waved a hand slightly.

When they were alone, Kagami pulled back from the kiss. He smiled at Aomine. "I love you so much, Daiki. Stay with me forever."

"You think I would ever leave after this?" Aomine rested his hands under Kagami's ass and lifted him up. "Even now, I don't want to let you out of my sight."

"I have a lot of scars. It won't be pretty."

Aomine carried him to the bedroom. "You're here in front of me. You're always beautiful to me."

"God, I love you." Kagami grinned and pecked Aomine's lips a few times.

"I love you too."

And they lived happily ever after!

[AN: OMG it's DONE!! after YEARS, it is finally done!! I can't believe how long it took me to finish this, but I really hope you like this sappy ending! (because I'm a sucker for sappy endings!) Did you enjoy this story?? I hope you enjoyed the ride! Thank you for reading and being on the journey with me!]

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