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He walked up to the main gate in time to see the taxi Kuroko and Akashi had taken coming back down the driveway. Kagami dashed along the side wall around the mansion to avoid being seen by the driver or any security guards. He walked to some trees near by and climbed a sturdy one that had branches hanging over the wall.

When Kagami was on inside of the wall, he tried to stick to covered areas as he made his way towards the mansion. Though now, he had no idea how to follow Kuroko. If he and Akashi had gone inside to fuck, there was no way Kagami could follow.

He got up the side of the mansion, avoiding the front door. He was about to feel like his efforts were hopeless when he heard voices. He ducked into a crevice by the wall.

The voice belonged to Akashi. "Are you completely sure about this? There will be no turning back." A brief pause before Akashi spoke again, "alright."

The footsteps started to get quieter. Kagami dared to poke his head out again and saw Kuroko and Akashi walking away from the mansion. When the two were far enough away, Kagami left his hiding place and followed after them. For a while, Kagami couldn't even see Kuroko or Akashi, but after a little while, a rather large, gardening shed looking building came into view. He could see Akashi opening the door and letting Kuroko in before walking in himself.

With the door closed behind the both of them and no one else around the grounds, Kagami ran up to the building. He walked around the outside, looking for a window, but there weren't any. That felt odd for what seemed to be a gardening shed. He felt like he should just give up then, but something kept him there.

He went back to the door, it wasn't locked, which Kagami found surprising. He quietly opened the door a small sliver and looked inside. It was just a small standing space leading to another room. It looked empty, so Kagami dared to go inside, shutting the main door behind him. He could hear voices coming from the other room, that's where Kuroko and Akashi had to have gone. But to do what? This was a strange place for a romantic rendezvous.

He listened at the second door, it was an old wooden door, so he could easily hear the voices even though he couldn't see anything.

"Are you sure, Tetsuya?"

"Yes, Seijuuro-kun. No matter what I say or even if I cry, don't stop."

"Alright, I will keep that promise, Tetsuya."

Even if he cried? Kagami's eyes widened. Something bad was going on in there. What was he asking of Akashi?

It was quiet for a long time. Kagami's imagination was running wild. But then he heard a gasping. He waited and heard more gasps and low groans. Everything got worse and more pained as he listened. What was Akashi putting Kuroko through in there?

All he knew was that it wasn't stopping. Even though it had been over an hour, Akashi was still making Kuroko scream. Until he heard a clatter of something hit the concrete floor and Akashi say, "That's all for now. We'll continue this later, so you can just stay where you are. I'll be back."

Kagami's eyes widened. He had to hide! He looked around the entry room and found a closet, he ducked inside the tight space and stayed there as he heard the other door open and close. There were footsteps and then the second door opening and closing. Kagami waited a minute longer, just to be safe, and slowly opened the closet door. He should leave, get as far away as he could, but he turned to the inner door. In what state had Akashi left Kuroko?

He carefully opened the door slightly. He didn't want to let Kuroko know he'd been following him either. Kuroko's head was down so he risked opening the door enough to stick his head inside. There were a bunch of different tools on the concrete walls. Kuroko was tied to a metal chair in the middle of it. The entire room was pretty dark, the only light coming from a few candles around Kuroko. Kagami squinted his eyes and realized that the candles were on Kuroko, the backs of his hands and feet acting wax-sealed candle holders.

Kagami was about to go in and free Kuroko, but stopped. Even if Kuroko had asked to be here, Kagami wanted to help him. But there was no telling what Akashi would do if he came back and found Kuroko missing.

There was a jiggling behind him and Kagami quickly shut the door and hid back in the closet as the main door opened. Akashi was bringing things into the room and soon left. Kagami took that as his chance to get out. He didn't want to be here any longer. He'd seen enough torture in his life to be extremely careful around people like Akashi.

Kagami did his best to quietly and quickly get off of Akashi's property and run back to the main street before calling a taxi back to the train station.

The entire ride back to the train station, images of Kuroko tied up kept flashing before his eyes. The images started to blur with images of a woman being similarly tied up and him being forced to watch... before he knew it, there were tears on his cheeks. He rubbed them away with the back of his hand.

He got out of the taxi and waited for the next train back to Tokyo. He pulled out his phone and texted Aomine: "I saw Kuroko and Akashi together today. You should probably talk to Kuroko."

[AN: on one hand I feel like maybe Kagami shouldn't be snooping! what do you guys think? and what do you think of the secret he found out? Does Aomine deserve to know?]

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