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It was a slow night at the dive he worked at. It was a Wednesday, so of course it would be slow, only the alcoholics and people with too much stress on their plate were at a bar in the middle of the week. It was better for Aomine that way. He didn't want to talk to anyone.

He was aggressively cleaning the bar counter when someone's hand rested over the towel he was using. He looked up and into ruby colored eyes. He didn't say anything, he just glared at Kagami.

"It's been two weeks since..." Kagami trailed off, but Aomine knew what he meant. Two weeks since Kagami told him that his boyfriend was cheating.

Aomine leaned back. "I haven't been in a talkative mood." He didn't exactly want to push his friend away, but he just didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Are you and he..." Kagami trailed off again before finishing his question.

"Broken up." He stood up straight, the words leaving a bad taste in his mouth. "He doesn't have to answer to me. He never did. He made that very clear."

Kagami let out a breath as he sat down on a barstool. "I'm sorry to hear it. I didn't want it to end this way. He doesn't even feel like the Kuroko we used to know."

"The Kuroko I used to know," Aomine spat out the name, refusing to use Kuroko's given name anymore, "actually cared about people. Or hell, maybe he's always been a damn good liar."

Aomine got two shot glasses and a bottle from behind the bar. He poured them each a shot. He gulped his before saying, "you know what's the worst? He fucking used me. I was just a piece to make Akashi jealous because Kuroko wants it all and as soon as he saw Akashi move on, he wanted what he couldn't have."

"You think he planned it?" Kagami looked at him, slowly drinking the shot.

Aomine poured two more shots. "Yes, I do." He drank the shot. "Because he's already out in public, dating Akashi. Holding hands is the least of what they do in public. I just wanted to love him, be there for him, help him..." Aomine slammed the shot glass on the counter. "But instead he chooses his abuser and flaunts it in my face."

"I've noticed them around and all their public displays of affection." Kagami shook his head. "I just don't get it. What he did to you was awful, but Kise, Midorima, and everyone else we know, they're all acting like nothing happened or like Kuroko did nothing wrong."

"Yeah, well, you can see who's friendship they chose and it wasn't mine," Aomine said bitterly.

Kagami leaned forward and smiled. "I chose your friendship."

Aomine laughed, it was the first time he'd smiled in weeks. "I thought you had to choose me because we know too much about each other."

"That too," he said with a grin. Aomine definitely appreciated the redhead being here with him.

[AN: sorry for taking so long to update!! I have more of this story written, I just... took a break from all writing for a little while! I'm trying to find balance again so I can write and finish all my stories! I hope you like this update!]

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