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It was late. He knew he shouldn't be out alone, yet here he was. In the bad end of town. He said he wasn't looking for trouble. But he was purposely putting himself in a troubling place.

As if by his wishing for it, someone walked past him, roughly bumping their shoulders as he tried to pass. He felt his pockets, his phone was suddenly missing. He smiled. That was all the motivation he needed.

"It's rude to borrow people's phones without permission." He called after the pickpocket.

The man stopped, looking back at him before breaking into a run.

It was easy for him to catch up and grab the pickpocket by the shoulder. He put his hand palm up in front of the man. "My phone."

The man spat in his face and swung a fist. He took a punch to the jaw. "You shouldn't have done that."

He hit the man right in the nose. He didn't stop there. He hit the man in the gut, making him double over. When the man was knelt down, he brought his foot up, kicking the man in the face and knocking him back.

"Stand up and fight!" He wouldn't kick the man when he was down.

The man did get up. He got up and swung a fist at him. He let the man even land a few punches, albeit not very impactful ones. After a minute, he grabbed the man by the head and slammed it into the nearest wall. Blood was already pouring out of the man, but he slammed his head again and again and again.

After a few minutes, he let go of the man and let his body fall to the ground. He got the phone out of his pocket. "Thanks, I need to make a call now."

He unlocked his phone, ignoring the blood he was getting on it from his hands. He called his friend. "Hello? I need some cleaning assistance."

[AN: anyone care to hazard guesses as to what's going on here??]

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