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Aomine was just walking out of his apartment building, heading towards his college campus. It was already the middle of the day and he'd already missed his morning classes. He didn't care, after his phone call with Kagami, he'd been staying out late.

"Daiki-kun!" He could hear Kuroko yelling behind him. He acted like he hadn't heard anything and kept walking. But Kuroko ran in front of him. It was the fastest he'd ever seen Kuroko move. "Daiki-kun, where have you been? I've been trying to talk to you for days."

He narrowed his eyes. He just had no patience for Kuroko right now. "I would've thought you'd be busy with your other boyfriend."

"Other boyfriend?" He furrowed his brow, looking up at Aomine. "What do you mean? You're my boyfriend and I've been missing you."

"You know what, Tetsu." He glared at Kuroko. They had to have this out, finish what they started. "There is a lot of shit we have to talk about. Like seriously, I am sick of the fucking lies."

"I don't lie to you, Daiki-kun. Do you really trust me so little?" Kuroko snapped back.

"Really? Then why did you lie about being with your mom! And why won't you tell me about those new scars you have?!" Aomine couldn't keep from yelling anymore.

"I don't have to tell you every little detail of my life. You're the one that's bugging me for answers that are none of your business." He put his hands on his hips.

Aomine glared at him. Why was he getting all this attitude from someone who claimed to love him? He grabbed Kuroko's hands and held them up between them. "You have serious burns on your hands that showed up after you disappeared! You know I love you and care about you. How is this not my business?!"

Kuroko snatched his hands away. "Because you don't need to know every aspect of my life."

"Did Akashi do it? I know you and that ass are close and I know that shit is jealous." Maybe Aomine shouldn't have been using names to call Akashi, but he couldn't help it. Especially when he wasn't getting anything from Kuroko. He knew Kagami wouldn't lie to him.

"He's my good friend." Kuroko actually glared at Aomine, his voice cold. "What we do is not your business. You can't control who I talk to."

"So he did do it! How can you still defend him and go on a date with him after that?" He hated how Kuroko was making him seem controlling. He had never once told Kuroko what he should or shouldn't do.

"I wouldn't go on a date with someone else."

Aomine narrowed his eyes and took a step forward. He'd had enough of Kuroko flat out lying to him. "He bought you a sprinkle milkshake. You were with him that Friday I was worried sick about you."

"What, are you following me?" Kuroko's eyes widened.

"You went to Majiba! You know I go there all the time. You just chose a stupid place to have a date with another man." He left out that Kagami had been the one to see him. He didn't want to pull his friend into this too.

Kuroko slapped Aomine right across the cheek. "It wasn't a date! I already told you that I wouldn't date someone else when I'm with you."

Aomine's eyes widened. He hadn't expected that. He shook his head and took a step back, his voice going cold. "Save it. I'm done. I won't waste my time on someone who doesn't want me in their life."

"Are you... breaking up with me?" Kuroko's words came out quietly.

"I don't want to." Aomine's response was immediate, "But I can't stay with someone who lies to me and doesn't want me in their life. So yeah. I am breaking up with you." He walked around Kuroko, not wanting to keep looking at him.

[AN: what do you think?? did Aomine do the right thing? What do you think of the truth of what Kuroko did? or well, what Kuroko finally said happened... thoughts on it all??]

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