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Kagami had stopped drinking the shots Aomine offered him some time ago. But he'd stayed with Aomine. He'd been able to make Aomine smile and laugh more which made Kagami happy to see. Aomine was his best friend, someone who knew all his secrets and still liked him. He was happy for that.

"Don't worry, Aomine. I won't ditch you as easily." Aomine smirked.

Kagami laughed and looked into Aomine's eyes. "You better not. I know where all the bodies are buried."

"You wouldn't use it against me." He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest, a smirk still on his face.

"Wouldn't I?" Kagami laughed and leaned in closer so only Aomine could hear, "I don't take rejection well either."

"Oh damn." Aomine's eyes widened. He looked back at Kagami. "I better be—." Aomine looked to something behind him and before he turned around, he could hear it. The sound of fists colliding with bone.

Aomine rushed out from behind the bar and right to the two guys fighting. Kagami thought about jumping in to help break it up too, but he knew Aomine could handle it. Not to mention, Aomine had an alluring aura when he took charge. Kagami licked his lips, watching Aomine escort one of the guys out of the bar.

Aomine returned behind the bar and to Kagami's side moments later. Kagami grinned. "Your patrons here should know better than to mess with you."

Aomine smirked and poured himself a victory drink. "You know that I don't start fights. I just end them."

"I can vouch for that." He laughed and stood up. "It's late. I should probably get going."

"Already?" Aomine frowned. "If you can wait, my shift will be over in 15 minutes."

Kagami wondered if Aomine didn't want to be alone. It wasn't like they needed to go somewhere else to get a drink together. He nodded. "Yeah, I can wait for you. I think I'll just go outside for some fresh air though."

Aomine nodded, so Kagami turned and walked out of the bar. He stepped outside and took a deep breath. It was chilly outside and the air felt moist. It was so refreshing compared to the dusty bar.

He stepped out of the way to let someone by and into the bar. He did a double take and realized that it was the same guy who had been thrown out. Kagami caught his arm. "It's probably not a good idea to go back in there."

The guy turned and glared up at Kagami. "It's none of your concern. Get your hand off me!" His words were slurred. He yanked his arm away.

"They'll just throw you out again." Kagami didn't know why he was trying so hard to stop the man.

"Maybe you're right..." the guy stepped back, seeming to listen to Kagami. But then he picked up one of the heavy, metal poles in front of the bar and slammed it right across Kagami's head. It was enough force to knock Kagami over.

He was still conscious, but barely. He was struggling to push himself up. The guy raised the pole to hit him with it again. The guy was tackled back, his body slamming against the sidewalk next to Kagami.

Aomine was on top of the guy, holding the guy up just enough so he could keep punching him. Kagami could only watch as Aomine's fist and the guy's face got bloodier and bloodier.

Aomine moved next to Kagami in a moment and gently touched Kagami's cheek. "Can you hear me?"

He nodded. "My head hurts..." Aomine touched the side of Kagami's head. He could feel Aomine's fingers dip in something wet.

Aomine's brow furrowed. "Let me get you to a hospital."

Kagami shook his head and slowly sat up, holding onto Aomine's shoulder to steady himself. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and made the usual call. Alex wouldn't be happy about another cleanup, but it had to be done. When his man answered the phone, he said in a calm, though slightly shaky voice, "I need a cleanup. Usual place."

Aomine hooked his arm under Kagami's shoulders and gently lifted him up. "I'm taking you home."

[AN: I am so sorry I keep dropping off the radar... ;-; well the good news is that it's NaNoWriMo and I'm trying to use that to motivate myself to finish all my currently on-going fanfics, this one included! So *fingers crossed* I'll get back to semi-regular updates, please don't give up on me yet! ^^]

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