◇Chapter 1◇

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Hello guys! Before the chapter starts I just want to say that I would love to here feedback on my writing.
I do want to improve so don't feel bad correcting me! Please make it constructive though... anyway... on with chapter one! Wish me luck


I remember so much... I want to share my story

"Ugh, another defect!'
"Overcooked runt!"
"Oh dear... so many defects!"

I overheard multiple voices coming from outside the hole I was in.
I stepped out to be greeted  by green gems.

"One of the diamonds is going to check up on the progress today!"

"They won't be happy with all this..."

Some seemed panicked, whilst others seemed afraid. Who were the diamonds?

"Homeworld to defect! Pay attention when higher ranked gems are talking to you!" Said a green an triangular gem.

"Wher-... Who am I?" I asked.

"You are defect ruby 35G CUT L39" she replied as if it was basic knowledge.

Defect? How am I defective.
Somehow the universe answers my questions. Little angry red gems stomp around the terrain.
I suppose I'm supposed to be like them. Act like an eternal flame?

"Yellow diamond is here!"


"Defect go line up now!" Said the gem who still had yet to introduce herself to me.

I scurried over to the angry gems.
There was a small height difference between me and them. I was like a very easy spot the difference puzzle.

A small yellow gem walked into the room sending off vibes of pride.

"All bow to the glorious Yellow Diamond!"

A strong yellow aura entered the kindergarten along with a tall yellow being.

"Tell me, how many defects are there in this bunch?" She questioned in a cold manner.

The gems who were checking each gem seemed to be nervous to tell her.

"47, my diamond..." A blue gem replied. She was small and had water wings. Her gem seemed to be on her elbow

 Her gem seemed to be on her elbow

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{I tried :P}

She seemed to be less petrified then any other being in this room. The Diamond seemed to be agitated. She glanced at the lines of gems. Her eyes finally landed on me. I fixed my posture rather quickly under her stare. I don't know why I'm so scared!

I had the courage to look back up at her. She looked angry at me. What had I done?

"My apologises, My diamond, we have yet to inform each gem about the proper etiquette on homeworld." the blue gem gave a simple excuse to calm the diamond.

Gems around me gave me strange looks as if I was supposed to do something. I took the hint.

"I apologise, My diamond, please forgive me for my ignorance" I managed to get out the words that I hoped were good enough for her standards.

She seemed to stop staring at me after that so I assumed I was of the hook. She started grouping us together into squads to either go to a gem or manage ships, from I've heard.

"Now what to do with...you" Yellow diamond spoke, I looked up at her.

She seemed to hold out a hand for me to stand on, with her pearl.

The pearl reached her hand out to me so I could get on quickly and not waste time. I took the hand and hopped on.

She quickly lifted me up to her eyeline. I started to feel shaky, under her gaze. "You are in no shape to do a ruby's work, so I suppose you can... help out with pearl work." She paused to think and then continued. "Yes, that will do, you will help blue and white's pearls as well."

{Keep in mind that pink doesn't have a pearl yet at least in this story, I will not be using the theory that white and pink switch pearls unless I change my mind before their chapters}

That's how it happened, That's how it started. That's how I was. Until... she talked to me.


{Most diamonds and their pearls will come up with nicknames for her or call her pearl or red}

"Red Pearl!" Shouted yellow, that meant she had to tell you something, it must be important if it's in the middle of a job.

"Yes my Diamond?" I asked inquisitively. She left me in suspense for a few seconds the answered.

"After you finish the work I assigned you , you may have time to yourself." she droned out like it was nothing.

However, I was ecstatic! I quickly thanked her and told pearl I was leaving.

I knew exactly where I was head, The gem garden.

Designed to experiment with the appearance of a gem, but the aftermath turned out so beautiful. I sit down and take in the sweet aroma and peaceful atmosphere.

My tense shoulders relax and I cant help but let a few tears slip out , I've been so stressed out lately, and I'm only serving one diamond right now!

Suddenly I hear a yell out to me, at least I think it was for me...


Peridot P.O.V


Great Peridot, Just great. I really didn't think that through.

She turns towards me, I can see how her cheeks are stained with tears. Her form is shakey. I go up to her and sit next to her.

"What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be working?" I flipped out a bit, I'm not gonna lie.

"It's my break...why are you here?"

That was a good question, why am I here? Sure, I saw her heading this way, but why would I follow her. Maybe it was just instinct. Since she's a defect, she could do anything of the unexpected.

She looks away from me, she doesn't seem persistent on getting that answer. She's  just so focused on the gems that were being made in thus very gem garden. She slightly hums and that melodic tune would be stuck in my head for a while, I just knew it.

I sigh, and look to her. She looks at me too and we lock eyes, but instead of feeling shocked or uncomfortable by this like I usually do, I feel slightly comforted by just the sight of her eyes. She smiles lightly.

"Hey...can I call you peri?"

I nod quickly for some reason, like I'm  eager to hear every word she says. I look at her, trying to think of a proper nick-name. Then my eyes catch her hair. At the very top, it's flicked up and looks familiar....got it! It's like the animal from the planet earth! The wolf! So how about....

"Can I call you wolfie?"

She blushes lightly and nods,  causing my face to go a darker shade of green as well.

"PERIDOT! BACK TO WORK OR ELSE!" My manager yelled across the garden. It frightened me and wolfie. I had forgot that I still had work to do before following her here. I quickly say goodbye to her and run off to my manager. That was a weird encounter, but my face is still flushed green...I wonder if anyone will notice?

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