Chapter one

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Just a little disclaimer before I start this. I don't really believe in this, I wouldn't recommend or ever use one of these sites it honestly kind of freaks me out, but also not judging if you do use or work like this. You make money how you need to. Also I don't know much about escorts I'm just making this up as I go along, I don't know what their rates are, what the sites are like, bosses, and what happens.

Also I've never written ANYTHING in a guys point of view the entire time so I don't know how well this is going to turn out. And one more thing I will be doing her point of view occasionally, but I'll try not to make it so often or obnoxious like in the middle of a chapter.

Anyways now that that's been said, enjoy 🤗 I'm so excited to do this!
*Jared's point of view*

    Huffing a sigh I flop down on the couch looking at the invitation. Yet another gala. I close my eyes for a moment before looking up at the TV. Who the hell am I going to take with me? My mind drifts to my last fling, her long black hair, her bright blue eyes, her rocking body. Damn was that one a catch, but Angelica has become a major issue in the girlfriend, date area. Angelica is a fucking psychotic ex girlfriend, but mostly fuck toy who thought she was my girlfriend. She's been chasing away any other fling I could possibly have and lets face it no one wants to be with me enough to deal with her bullshit. I need someone who will deal with her bullshit, and has to stay with me despite my crass behavior. A friend had told me about a website that his brother used one time, an escort website. An escort website IS NOT the same thing as hiring a prostitute, or a hooker, or just picking up the cheap stripper looking for some extra cash for her kids because her baby daddy couldn't afford to pay child support, or rather so I hope. He swore by this service, so I might as well give it a go.

    I grab my laptop from my desk and come back to the couch, typing in the website he'd texted to me a while ago when this whole thing first started. The website seemed nice and not at all sketchy, really it didn't look sketchy, everyone in their pictures were in ball gowns and suits, which was nice seeing how whoever, if I get anyone would have to be dressing like that. I glance at a random woman's "nightly rate" and nearly die.

    "'For one evening with Gloria Flemish, an 8 hour night, nothing sextual included, costs 9,500 dollars'?!" She honestly isn't even that attractive. And that's not even for anything sexual, not that that's why I'm on here, but what the hell does she charge for that? I don't even want to know. As I continue scrolling down the list I see the prices aren't actually any cheaper which I guess is where the difference between them and a prostitute came in. Everyone looked nice and beside their picture before their pricing, was a little blurb of what they're really like. It was not self written some of them seemed a bit out of reach, but a lot of them said not edited both under the pictures and in the little blurbs of personality. I find someone worth looking at her long chocolate brown hair touched down to the top of her waist, her eyes were hunter green and her body was the perfect hourglass shape that would make anyone jealous. When I click on her name a list comes up, her picture in the top left corner along with some other headshots and modeling pictures, underneath was her name, height, hair color, if she'd ever dyed it or not, her eye color, and weight. Her personality blurb was there still just more spaced out, underneath that was her interests, hobbies, dislikes, favorite color, food, thing to do. Her family statues was confidential along with how long she'd been doing this. Her kind of services varied, but she had a hard limit on sextual contact which didn't really bother me.

    Bridgette Rowan King, she's five six, a hundred and eighty five pounds, her hair was naturally that dark brown, her eyes are dark green. Obviously could tell that much from the picture. Her blurb says her personality was fierce, sextually cunning, she has a stubborn streak, she also has a foul mouth and wasn't afraid to tell you that she doesn't like you. They make it seem like that's a bad thing. Her hobbies were reading and relaxing at home in pajamas, her favorite food was steak and potatoes, her favorite color is violet, her interests included snuggling, showing people up, cooking, and watching movies, her dislikes were men that were weak, nothing clingy, desperate men looking for love. Her services were events both formal and informal, she was good at meeting parents, pretending to be a girlfriend, her taste in sextual encounters were slim to none, which wasn't very specific. Her pay was a thousand an hour. I felt my fingers twitch at the amount. You could message her personally on the sight, but in order to set up a date you had to contact the CEO which was actually two people.

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