Chapter fifteen

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Happy Valentine's Day sweets!! So I JUST FINISHED this chapter! I wanted to get it done tonight for Valentine's Day and it took me forever but here it is. I hope you enjoy it ♥️ play the song at the end you'll see why 😉


    Her and Alaine come down a few minutes later.

    "Did you tell her?" Rin asks grinning at Alaine.

    "Yeah." She grins back making Bridgette chuckle lowly.

    "Three kids, you better get another job." Bridgette teases grinning as she sits down in her chair across from me.

    "Wait you're pregnant?" I ask dumbfounded at the new information.

    "Yeah." Alaine grins at me.

    "Wow, congratulations." I smile at her reassuringly.

    "Thank you."  Dinner ends well and when we all go into the living room where Rena stands in her playpen. Her birthday was coming up and she knew it, she was  turning one and Bridgette and Alaine were planning her party. Rin sighs leaning back on the couch as Finnik sits on the floor watching TV.

    "God she's only one what's the point in having a big party? I'm going to pay an arm and a leg for a party for her I just know it." He huffs. "Man kids are expensive don't do it." I chuckle softly looking at Rena as she stares at me crewing on the bar on her pack and play. Her blue eyes were staring at me intensely, she wanted out. "She looks like she's trying to teleport you over to her." Rin laughs making me look at him. "Sorry I shouldn't have interrupted your staring contest. You can pick her up." I think about it for a second before looking back over at her. Do I even want to pick her up? I get up going over to her a small smile on my face as I crouch in front of her she laughs softly pulling away from her playpen to smile at me. I stand right back up picking her up from her playpen before going back over to the couch. She looks at me smiling as she chews on her fingers, her eyes never leaving mine as she watches me. Suddenly she reaches out grabbing my nose her fingers curling around the tip of my nose.
    "Hi beautiful." I say softly, kissing her wrist.

    "Why don't you have kids? You're pretty old aren't you?" Rin suddenly asks.

    "I don't know. Things happen, my life is fast moving I'm never in one spot for too long a family seems like, not a nuisance, but it seems cruel. Plus I've never met the right person, or lets face it the wrong condom." Rin chuckles softly.

    "When I met Alaine I knew. We went on a few dates before I knew of course it wasn't like love at first sight or anything but it seemed like she just found me at just the right time. We got married just a year after knowing each other, which everyone said was early, I just knew and I think she did too, not that she'll admit it. A few months later she found out she was pregnant with Finnik. I remember she called Bridgette and they disappeared into the bathroom for forever and a half and when she came back out she was all nervous and jittery so when I asked her what the issue was she just blurted out that she was pregnant. I didn't know what to say at first, but god it was the best thing that ever happened. I always wanted kids and now I got to have that, with the woman I loved more than anything else. There was no better feeling." He smiles at Finnik who's not paying him any attention. "But I mean what I said before they're so fucking expensive and I never thought I'd be having two so close together before, but things happen." He shrugs.

    "Yeah I guess you're right." I look back at Rena as she stares at me, her blue eyes never leaving mine. Maybe it's time I settle down, maybe with Bridgette. Maybe it's time I get over the fear of what happened with Ophelia. Not long after that they leave, Bridgette sighing comes into the livingroom to sit beside me on the couch. "Hi beautiful."

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