Chapter thirteen

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It's been a few days since my talk with Catarina happened. I was contemplating actually going back to her, just to put distance between Jay and I but I didn't want to do that. No matter how hard I tried, distancing myself from him was harder than I wanted it to be. I'm sat in front of my computer chewing the end of my pen thoughtfully as I stare at my computer screen, the light reflecting off my glasses lighting the room just a bit more than it already was. It was late and I was trying to get my school work done, but like every other time it was too hard to focus. I was sat in Jays office since he was in bed and I just couldn't sleep which really wasn't rare for me anymore, he told me whenever I needed to get my school stuff done I was more than welcome to use his office since he rarely ever used it honestly.

Sighing I stand up and go back to the bedroom, leaning against the door jam I watch Jared sleep, stretched out over his side of the bed. As I look at him I start to think about what's happened the last week. I started working for them, found out he was engaged, that she left him at the altar, we made our relationship official, we came back from a romantic getaway, I questioned his love for me none verbally, I called Catrina. Thinking about everything I unconsciously started to chew at my fingernails. He's the best man I've ever met I honestly can't believe I'm doubting him because of his past. He never turned away from me when he found out what I went through and when I needed him he was kind enough to open his home to me, he took care of me when I couldn't go to anyone else, and now I'm so willing to run from him when the first sign of doubt comes along. I strongly believe that if my past ever showed up at the door he'd be there to stand beside me through it, though he never told me anything about Ophelia still. Slowly after taking a few deep, calming breaths I go to the bed, crawling right over to his side, straddling his sleeping form. He wakes up, his eyes blinking lazily in the dark room, his hand coming up to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Bridge? What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep, I can't get work done." I scoff softly feeling the blush creep up my neck to my cheeks. "All I can think about is the sleeping God in the room across the hall." He chuckles softly, the deep rumble rattling through his chest.

"You flatter me too much."

"I don't flatter you enough." I say pulling his shirt off over my head revealing my naked body to him. Grinning his hands skim over my exposed breasts. Things get hot and heavy quick since he's already naked, seeing how he REFUSED to sleep in clothes. He has me on my back in seconds, his hips meeting mine in a single thrust. I moan loudly, my nails digging into his back his hips pick up the pace, grunting as he fucks me harder. "Fuck." I moan softly, my hands dropping down to his sides my nails tearing into his muscles.

"Fuck Bridgette." He groans. I take the chance to flip our positions so I'm straddling him again. His hands find my hips with ease, guiding me as I rock my body against his, my hair brushing against my lower back tickling me. I could feel my orgasm building, my body moves on its own, bouncing against him as his hips thrust up to meet mine greedily. "Oh shit." He grunts, sitting up to meet me one of his arms wrapping around my lower back as the other holds him up as I continue to fuck him ruthlessly.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, ohfuckohfuckohfuck." I pant, my orgasm wracking through my body, my muscles shaking as I come undone. Groaning he keeps thrusting his hips into mine, my body begging for him to stop but it felt so fucking good I didn't want him to stop. My hand grips the headboard as he continues to pound at my aching heat. "Uh god." I groan leaning back as another blissful release washes over my body, him following not to far behind this time. Huffing I flop over onto my side of the bed, desperate to catch my breath.

"Late night sex is one of the best." He purrs his his arm draping over his forehead as he pants as well.

"Yeah." I laugh breathlessly.

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