Chapter six

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"Okay." I finalize with a firm nod of my head. His hand comes back up to the underside of my breast.

"Let me know when it's too much." His lips kiss the edge of my neck.

"Okay." My strong willed grip was slowly loosening.

"So can I touch... here." His fingers brush the curve under my breast gently gliding over my nipple making me bite my lip as it becomes taunt. "How about here?" His hand gently slips over my collarbone toward my other breast. He follows the outer rim of my breast sending a wave of goosebumps over my entire body. "Can I... tweak it?" He pinched my nipple between his rough fingertips, twisting gently before releasing it.

"Jared." I breathe. He ignores me his fingers skimming back down my ribs, gently dipping into my belly button, gliding over my stomach to come back up my ribs. I restrain from shivering as he comes back up toward my breast.

"You've got goosebumps." He breathes in my ear shifting to press his chest against my side. "Am I giving you chills?" His warm lips kiss the soft skin at the base of my throat.

"Yes." I admit lowly, barely a whisper in the quiet room.

"Are you... excited?" Just as he shifts to lean over me more, his hand follows back down my ribs toward my hip, over the curve of my stomach before he rests above my vigina. I feel myself go ridgid.

"Jared, don't." I warn, but he ignores me, sucking where my shoulder meets my collarbone. His fingers follow the front curve of my heat and I feel myself slip. "Stop!" I push him away roughly, causing him to fall off the bed and onto the floor. He groans, clearly feeling pain through the pain medication, before he sits up, his arms resting on the edge of the bed.

"What was that for?"

"I warned you that you were going too far."

"I wasn't going to do anything bad I'm sure you would've enjoyed it very much." He grins lopsidedly crawling back onto the bed.

"I don't think sleeping naked is a good idea." I spring up out of bed.

"No please Bridgette. I'll be have this time just come back." He reaches for me, a sad look on his face.

"You're so high Jared." I sigh.

"Do you want to go get weed, we can be high together?"

"Are you crazy!?" I snap at him. Huffing I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Alright Jared, you need to go to sleep."

"Come lay with me again then."

"Keep your hands to yourself." I warn, putting my underwear back on before getting in bed with him. I turn over on my side, turning away from him. He throws his arm over my waist, his chest pressed against my back as he spoons me.

"Why did you run from me when the getting was getting good?" He whispers in my ear, his voice gravelly as he struggles to stay awake.

"Maybe one day I'll tell you." I mutter, a tear tracing down the edge of my nose, dripping off the tip. "I hope I will." I feel his body lax as he falls asleep. "Goodnight Jay." I lay my hand over his before closing my eyes.

"Bridgette." His voice blows through the air, following the flow of the air. It was dark, totally pitch black all around me, my eyes try adjusting but it's hard when I can't focus on anything. My eyes scan the darkness around me, my body tensing up as I wait for something to move, spring out at me, but nothing comes. I wait for what feels like an eternity before my body finally moves in an unknown direction. I walk aimlessly, until A light shines down from somewhere illuminating his form, blinding me. "Bridgette." His voice is much rougher this time, like how I remember it to be.

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