Chapter eight

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The days move by pretty slowly after that. Now that I knew more about Bridgette I want to run over there and finally get to feel like I actually know who she is. But I can't do that. If I let her know that her sister told me everything that she did she'll probably end up being pissed at both of us. So instead I don't go to her, instead I do basically nothing. I lay in bed a few nights after the freak run in with Alaine, staring at the ceiling listening to the low hum of the TV. Would she hate me if I went to her house? If I went to see her. I feel a pain run through my chest as I turn over onto my side when my phone rings. I look at who's calling seeing that it's Angelica. Huffing I ignore it, make believing that I'm sleeping so she won't bother me, or so I hope but when I listen to the voicemail it's hard to believe that's the case.

"Hello dear." She chirps. "I see things went south with you and Bridgette. I'm sorry to hear that, maybe you were lying the entire time seeing how she's already dating three other men. I want to let you know that I'll be in LA soon. I've been offered a movie deal and will be returning. I hope that means we have a bright future together. Anyways good bye for now." Huffing I put my phone down on the couch. I get up shutting off the TV before going up to my room laying under the moonlight before slowly drifting off to sleep. I wake up to the sound of banging. Groaning I glance over at the alarm clock seeing that it's just after three in the morning. I roll my eyes getting up out of bed grabbing the baseball bat I keep in the kitchen before going to the door. Whoever's in the other side couldn't wait to get in, they're impatient pounding sounding through the house ever five seconds it seems.

"Who's there?" I ask gripping the baseball bat as I look out the peephole, but the figure doesn't look familiar. They don't answer their back to the door they arms folded around themselves. The figures frame was so small against the black of the night it was undoubtedly a woman. I swear if this is Angelica. Huffing I unlock the door yanking it open, to find a woman with long brown hair in a long dark blue cardigan. She whips around to face me, her face bruised, blood dripping from her nose to her lips which were split open. She was shaking her hands fidgeting so badly they were rattling her sweater as she gripped the sleeve. Her legs were together, bruises littering her pale skin, her feet bare against the cement porch. I had a feeling she was shivering from the skimpy tight black dress she had on. When I look up her green eyes look nearly unrecognizable. "Bridgette?" She was not the Bridgette I knew. The Bridgette I knew held her own against anyone, this woman in front of me looks like she's never seen the light of day. Her hand moves to her face, biting her thumb nail nervously like she was about to be turned away. Tears fill her eyes but she tries keeping them at bay.

"I'm sorry I didn't know where else to go." Her voice cracks as she smiles at me trying to feign happiness. She nervously looks in my house before looking back at me. "Honestly your house was the closest." A tear slips down her cheek as she tries to keep her tight smile on her face.

"What happened?"

"Can I come in please?" She asks looking back behind her.

"Of course." I move out of the way letting her in. I make her sit in the couch before running up to her a shirt and a pair of sweats. I hand her the clothes and she gets dressed as I make her a cup of tea.

"Thank you." She takes it graciously still shaking so badly that she has to take it with both hands. I wrap the blanket over her shoulders before sitting next to her.

"What happened?" I ask again staring into her eyes.

"My sister told me she met with you, that it was purely coincidental. She told me she told you about me, about my past." She says lowly.

"Is this Dayton's handiwork?"

"No." She says quickly. "No this wasn't him." She tucks her hair back behind her ear. "He was a client. He wanted me to sleep with him and I refused. I held my ground. If I didn't get away-" She stops talking looking at me tears spilling down her cheeks. "- I think he would've gotten what he wanted."

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