Chapter seven

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So @ msroxy1976 and well basically everyone that commented on my authors note pointed out that I didn't tell you about her past SOOO I finished up the chapter with a bit of a twist. You'll be finding out a lot about Bridgette in this chapter. Thank you so much for the support and feedback and expect some banging soon!
She had that look, like a cornered animal, like a tiger pacing the cage at the zoo. She wants to be free, from everything, from the pain she felt, from the memories of him, you could see it in her eyes. She clearly didn't want to talk about it, to think about the things that he did to her. She didn't want to admit that's what happened to her. I suddenly realise that's what she didn't want me finding out, that's what she didn't want anyone figuring out. That's the part of her life that she wanted to keep on the back burner out of plain sight of the people she got to know. I couldn't help but think that maybe I'd overstepped my boundary. Okay, I didn't think I overstepped my boundary I knew I had, that I'd surpassed the line and stepped right into a field of landmines. I'd broken through her hard exterior and pried myself into her life. I felt the apology starting to form on my lips as she stares at me.

"Just answer one question." I say.

"No." She whimpers, tears leaking from her eyes, dripping off her lashes and onto the apple of her cheeks.

"Was it him?" I ask her anyway. I know I shouldn't be pushing her like I am, but I wanted to know. I finally figured something out about her, but now I had so many more questions like when I found out she went to school. She shakes her head, more tears streaming down her cheeks. I get up from the couch, pulling her into my chest. At first she resists me, trying to push me away, but I won't let her go. Bridgette was strong, I'd seen it in her the first night we met, she wasn't dumb, she wasn't cocky or arrogant, she knew what she had and how to use it. In the last two days I'd seen her cry more than I ever thought she had in maybe her whole life, but if that were true then she's stronger than I could ever imagine. If she didn't cry when she was being hit for no reason then she's stronger than steel. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll stop asking." Her hands ball up around my shirt as she sobs uncontrollably into the front of my cotton T shirt. She leaves immediately after she gets herself together. She's all apologies as she walks out the front door, but she won't stay no matter how hard I try to convince her. The days go by and I don't hear from her until I've finally had enough.

"Let's go grab dinner tonight."

"I can't tonight." She immediately replies.

"And why not?" I retort.

"I have something going on tonight, tomorrow night." I roll my eyes at the text. She's avoiding me. I get up, pull on my loafers and head out toward the Jeep. I drive to her house, where her car still sits in the driveway. Now pissed off I barge out of my car and rush up to her house. I pound on the door until she answers quite a while later. She comes to the door wrapped up in a blanket, her hair a mess and her hands wrapped tightly around tissues.

"Jay?" Her voice is hoarse like she just woke up. The anger dissipates.

"Are you sick?"

"Yes." She sniffles.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to come over here and risk getting sick too."

"Come here." I huff pulling her into my chest before lifting her up bridal style.

"Jay just go home." She protests wiggling in my hold on her.

"Stop, you took care of me, now it's my turn." I take her to her bedroom laying her down.

"How is your nose?" She asks gently pinching it.

"It's still sore so let's not touch it." She chuckles before nodding.

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