Chapter three

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Fresh off the press peeps 😂 just finished it and it's not as long as I thought it would be 🙄 sorry it's short I wanted to end it in a cliffhanger to keep you waiting another 6 months 😅
Over the next few weeks... I take her to just about everything, the paparazzi are on us like hounds, following our every move both apart and together, though Bridgette was much harder for them to get to when she wasn't with me, thankfully. We have an event coming up, a red carpet for some high end designer that I modeled for. I know we'll be running into Angelica and I'm counting on an all out war when she sees us together. I finish buttoning the third button to the top of my Gucci shirt, rolling up the sleeves before grabbing my bomber before grabbing a pair of loafers.

When I come downstairs she's sitting on the couch with a glass of red wine the same shade as her dress. Her auburn dress is mermaid cut and it's a wonder how she can sit in it let alone walk. Her straps fell off her shoulders hugging her body in all the right places, accentuating her curves, pushing up her chest. She has her hair up in a half bun the rest of it left down curled in deep ringlet curls cascading down her back like a waterfall. She's got a simple silver with small diamonds and trust me I didn't have to get close enough to know they were real for the amount of money I was paying for her company. She stands up her body moving as she hands me what's left in her glass a small smile touching her lips. Her soft pink lipstick shimmers against her white teeth her make up more casual than she usually does it.

I take the glass from her delicate, thin fingers, her nails painted a soft baby pink and white. I down what she's left in the cup before setting it on the end stand. Tonight would be different than what we were used to dealing with. Angelica is going to be fuming about all the public appearances and for not being able to wedge herself between us yet. She snags the edge of my jacket sleeve pulling me to come with her toward the door. I follow after her, grabbing her nude fur lined jacket seeing how the chill was in full bloom in New York. She steps out into the frigid fall air, pulling her coat that is draped over her should up past her cheeks. We walk to the car hand in hand, the wind whipping past her face blowing her hair over her shoulders gently brushing over my wrist as I hold her hand with entwined fingers.

She opens the door and slides in gently letting go of our hands. She sits beside me her chin resting softly on her hand as she watches the neon lights flash past the window in a blur of color. Giovanni is quick to navigate the busy streets of New York and get us to the venue. When we slip from the sanctum of the back seat I feel a piece of her stray away as she reaches for my hand. Even when she's been around this for weeks but yet when the cameras start flashing she's different. Our fingers lace together, her free hand clutching the small tan clutch purse. She forces her lips into a smile, the happiness rarely ever truly made it to her eyes, but this time, today she seems just a little bit more sad. She never really ever talks about herself, what her life is like, what she does in her free time, she's always so closed off. I on the other hand had hardly an issue with telling her what my life is like.

Even after all this time it's still strange to be paying her to hold my hand. Sometimes it feels like we're actually dating, actually spending time with one another because we enjoy it, not because I have to pay her not to leave my company, but then Friday night when I have to shell out the money to pay for her company its a harsh reminder that she's not actually mine.

I smile a few times at the cameras but for the most part I was solemn. I turn my head to the left when I see Angelica a little ways down, her one hand on her hip the other clutching her shoulder bag as she grins greedily at the cameras. I turn back to look at Bridgette and notice she's looking at her as well. I give her hand a firm squeeze before pulling her down a little farther, still keeping my distance from Angelica. Bridgette yanks my hand making me turn to look at her, she lets go of my hand before cupping the back of my neck, yanking me down to her height her body presses against mine. I feel my breath catch a minute at being so close to her hunter green eyes, they were darker than normal, her pupils dilated slightly as she stares at me. Suddenly her warm full pink lips meet mine roughly, in shocked for a second but I try not to let it show. I grab her waist and pull her closer to my body deepening the kiss slightly before slowing it down. I'm going to savor every minute of her sangria infused taste.

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