Chapter nine

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Merry Christmas my lovelies ❤️ its a little later than I intended and I'm sorry but here she is. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas I love you all 🥰
"Do you want to come with me today?" I ask her as she sits in the couch. She turns her attention toward me, her hair in a messy bun my t shirt falling off her shoulders.


"Just to the studio."

"Okay." She gets up to change into one of my hoodies and a pair of thigh highs she left here. She doesn't bother brushing her hair leaving it in a bun before putting on her sunglasses. She uses some of my coverup from when I fractured my nose to hide her black and blue nose. I was kind of surprised no one had found out about us going out of state to the hospital, but I was in fact counting our blessings. When we come into the studio Shannon's already waiting.

"Wait, is this Bridgette?" He asks looking stunned.

"Yeah. Bridge this is Shannon, my brother."

"Hi." She smiles at him sweetly looking a little awkward.

"What happened?" He asks looking over her face.

"Nothing." I say directing his attention away from her.

"You didn't repay the favor for your nose did you?"

"Of course not." I snap at him making her chuckle softly behind us.

"So are you here to take him up on his offer?"

"No." She says shaking her head wildly. "Just getting out of the house."

"Why are you with my brother again if he's not paying you?"

"Why are you asking a hundred questions Shannon?" I snap at him.

"Wait he knows?" Bridgette asks stunned.

"I tell my brother everything." I admit. "We don't keep anything from one another." She doesn't say anything nodding her head once before sitting on the couch across from the recording studio. She doesn't say anything the entire time we're there, she just sits there, watching us move through the motions. When we get back to the car she still doesn't say anything so I decide to pry. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." She says softly leaning on her palm to look out the window. I feel my hand twitch against the steering wheel. I want to reach out and touch her, but I stop myself short. When we get back to the house I out the car in park, but I don't make an effort to get out right away, and neither does she. Instead she does something so unexpected I almost wanted to faint. She moves so swiftly, her body gliding through the air as she flings herself over the console and onto my lap. He hands frame my face as she kisses me deeply, her body barely fit between mine and the steering wheel. It takes me a second to register that she's kissing me but when it does I don't skip a beat. I kiss her back just as deeply my hands gripping her waist, her hair falling around the side of her face, brushing against my cheek. Pulling away from me she starts to grind her hips as she pulls off my shirt in the crapped space, mine following shortly behind hers before our lips meet again, our panting breaths mingling. "I want you." She mutter against my lips. "I want you Jay." Her hands move behind her unclipping her bra.

"I want you too." I admit, my lips gliding over hers as I grab her breasts. "Inside?"

"No." She breaths. "Right here, right now." She adds impatiently, her thigh highs brushing against my sides before she bends awkwardly to take off the spandex shorts she has on to hide her underwear, her thong going with them. She kisses down my neck, her hands skimming over my abs headed for the button on my jeans.

"Fuck Bridge." I grunt gripping the back of her head, pressing her against my skin as he hand touches me. I let my head fall back as I groan, her hand working over me fast before she guides me to her, the crown of my erection against her soaking wet core. My patience wears thin. I grip her hips again forcing her down on me in one thrust.

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