Chapter fourteen

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"You look great. You seem like you're just glowing." He praises.

"Thank you." I shift slightly in my chair to cross my legs easily taking the compliment.

"I don't think I've ever seen you like this, you just look so... happy." He pauses rolling the word over his tongue. "I guess that's my fault though." He says looking at the table with sad eyes. He

"You act like I was unhappy the entire time we were together."

"No just most of it."

"Just mostly the end." I admit sipping my coffee.

"As long as you're happy with him."

"It's been awhile since we've seen each other." I ignore his previous comment.

"Yeah it has, a lots changed."

"Oh?" My interest peaked I sit up a little.

"I'm going to meetings and stuff, getting my life situated."

"You are? Like AA?"

"Like anger management and AA yes." He smiles wryly looking at his hands again.

"Is that why you're acting so timid?" I ask feeling more comfortable knowing he's going to meetings.

"I guess. I'm really glad I ran into you today though, it makes my life easier."

"What do you mean?"

"Well part of both programs is making amends, admitting what you did to the people you did it to." He looks up at me, his green eyes shining in the early afternoon light, his black hair swept back out of his face from his fingers running through it, something he always did when he was stressed out about something. "So Bridgette Rowen King, I'm sorry I hit you, I yelled at you. I'm sorry I made your life miserable, that I tormented you for years before you had the courage to leave me. I'm glad you got away from me when you did, I wish you would've done it sooner." Stunned I can't get myself to answer him.

"Thank you." I say softly. "In all the years we've known each other even after everything, you never once said you were sorry and actually meant it."

"I know, but I want you to know I mean it now and I hope we can start new sometime."

"I'd like that. You were a great guy once upon a time you know." I give him a cheeky smile making him relax. As much as I hated him for what he did to me and as much as he hit me I was always what brought him back to Earth. Even now, he was a nervous mess until I gave him my confidence, I let him know I accepted his apology.

"Bridgette?" I turn to the right looking up at Jared.

"Jay." I suddenly felt nervous, anxious like I was caught in the act, like I was doing something wrong. "Um." I turn to look at Dayton.

"What's going on?" He asks looking from me to Dayton.

"Um, this... this is Dayton." His face instantly hardens, his cobalt eyes darkening to a navy blue. "Jay, it's okay."

"Okay?" He snaps at me glaring at Dayton. I stand up, my hand on his chest, the other resting on the table.

"Jay." I call out to him softly making him look at me. "It's okay." I assure him. "I promise." He turns his attention to Dayton anyway.

"You-" He snarls. "-can fucking rot in hell you disgusting bastard."
"Jay." He looks back at me.

"Come on."

"No." I stand my ground.

"What?" His anger dissipates his face softening.

"I said no." I hold firm. "I'll come back when I want to." He holds in a sneer.

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