Chapter 18 part 1

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Sorry this took me forever and a half. I've had a lot going on and it's short, on purpose. So I decided to break this one up because it's the last. So I hope you enjoy and hopefully part 2 is right around the corner 😂 sorry.
Three months later... She lays sleeping beside me, her arm over her stomach, her other arm tucked under her head, her chest rising and falling softly. Over the course of the last few months I've learned to cherish not only my own sleep, but hers as well. Since she's started to feel the baby move, she hardly ever sleeps, she's constantly up and down, tossing and turning, waking me up of course. Tomorrow is the gender revel thankfully Bridge managed to talk Alaine down from having a huge event, of course I agreed to live stream it so the fans could see what we'd be having, but other than that we'd only have a handful of friends and family.

I'm a little nervous to find out, I almost don't want to know, a part of me wants to wait until it's born to get to know, to keep myself on edge the whole pregnancy, but I wasn't about to tell Bridgette she can't have what she wants. It's just turned eleven and I still don't feel tired. My eyes travel down her face, which is turned away from me, down her neck where her pulse beats through the vein on her neck, toward her heavy breasts, to the top seam of the comforter where her baby bump hides. It's starting to warm up outside, but the house still held the winter chill at night, most nights I woke up sweating while she's balled up in the blankets. My eyes travel to her face again, watching her peacefully dream while I can do nothing but lay awake and watch her, envy her. Groaning she turns over, her muscles flexing as she turns to face me, the glow of the TV playing with her features as her face contours in discomfort.

Instinctively I reach out, my hand running over the right side of her belly in slow steady circles, trying to relax both her and the baby at the same time, but it doesn't seem to help. Instead it seems like the baby can just read into my uneasiness about tomorrow so it starts moving making her lashes twitch. I could barely feel it, really it just feels like she flexed her stomach and released just as fast, like she was wiggling her stomach. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when it starts kicking to the point where her skin moves. She's only about twenty one weeks so she's really the only one that can feel the baby moving. I don't feel much movement, maybe a little flicker here and there, but obviously Bridgette felt enough that it made her extremely uncomfortable ninety percent of the time. Bridgette shifts again her face relaxing more than when she was laying on her side. I envy her, all day, everyday. I envy her for being a normal person, for feeling my child when I can't, for being supportive when I can't. I envy her right now for sleeping, I envy her for the way her body adapts to being a mom. I envy her for reasons I can't even understand.

The next morning... she wakes up before me, her body moving closer to mine making me stir awake. She smiles down at me from where she leans on her hand.

"Good morning handsome."

"Morning beautiful." I give her a weak smile in return letting my eyes flutter shut again.

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Not really."

"I'm sorry. Did I keep you awake?" She asks kissing my forehead gently.

"Just now yes. Last night no."

"You just couldn't sleep?"

"Yeah." I stretch turning over onto my back.

"That's not like you." She says softly clearly worried about the fact that I couldn't sleep last night.

"Yeah, I know." Groaning I sit up onto the edge of the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm just... a little nervous I guess."

"About today?"

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