Chapter sixteen

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The next few days go by quickly and before I know it we're coming back from Sicily. Bridgette as much as she'd enjoyed it really wasn't feeling well the entire time we were away so the first thing she did when we came back was make a doctor appointment, which I wanted to go with her, but I left too much behind to take another day off. She leaves from the studio to go see the doctor and suddenly Shannon and Stevie are right on top of me.

"So, how was it?" Shannon asks.

"It was good." I say simply.

"No, but how was it really?" Stevie asks wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"It was... fine?" I didn't entirely understand what he wanted me to say. I get that he wanted explicit detail on what happened, but did he really think I was going to tell him?

"Just fine? Bridgette CAN NOT be JUST fine." He exaggerates.

    "What's that supposed to mean?" Shannon asks.

    "She just looks experienced that's all." He says slightly flustered.

    "I mean, she is more than fine, much more." I find myself fighting back a smile as I remember all the times we've been together. "She's very adamant on what she wants."

    "I can imagine, she looks like a take charge kinda woman."

    "You can imagine?" I question giving him a stern look.

    "I didn't mean it like that." Stevie quickly denies.

    "So what did you guys do in Sicily? Other than fuck."

    "We just explored, everyday we stepped out of the hotel and picked a different direction and just went with it." I shrug. "It was the most relaxing trip I've had, other than the usual paparazzi, crazy fans, and bodyguards." I actually felt bad. Bridgette deserved much more of a honeymoon then what she got, on top of her not feeling well we barely had any privacy at all when we went out. People hounded us no matter where we went about being married, what it was like, if we were on our honeymoon, there just wasn't a moment of peace other than in the hotel room. We're just about to wrap up for the night when Bridgette calls me. "Hey beautiful what took so long?"

    "Well, the wait took forever, then I had to do blood work and pee in a cup and a physical and eye exam and hearing and height and weight-" She was rambling to draw out getting to the point.

    "Bridge, what's wrong? Why'd they have to do so many different tests?" Catching Shannons attention he throws me a worried look.

    "Well, you see it took them awhile to figure out what was wrong with me."  She chuckles softly, forcefully.

    "Bridgette, what's happening?"

    "Well, those tests I took." I wait a second to respond waiting for her to say more.

    "Yeah what about them?"

    "Well, they were wrong."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I'm pregnant." She says softly. "They did an ultrasound and everything, I'm about three weeks along." I hear her voice crack slightly. "I hear the heartbeat Jay. I wish you were with me." She breaks down sobbing. I feel a twinge in my chest. This is what it's always going to be like. Her doing things alone. Her always being alone for the important things.

    "I'm sorry." I say quietly.

    "God please tell me you're sorry for not being here and not something else."

    "No, no baby, nothing else, just that I couldn't be there." I quickly reassure. "Are you home now?"

    "No, I'm still in the parking lot."

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