Chapter twelve

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I've had this chapter done for a few days now but I didn't want to post it so close to the other one 😂 because I love making you guys suffer. Not really but I don't know how quick I'll get the next one done so I didn't want to post this one so early and then everyone think that it's going to happen for the next one too 😂. BUT I DO HAVE A BIG SURPRISE IN THE NEXT ONE!! Anyways on that note enjoy ❤️

A few days later... I'm home relaxing for the first time all week. I didn't realize how much I was taking on by agreeing to work for Jared. I just got out of the shower when someone knocks on the door. Groaning I quickly get dressed before going to see who it is and when I open the door I instantly regret it.


"You must be Bridgette." She smiles at me softly. Jay still hadn't told me about her, but I'm sure she was coming around here basically all the time to try and recover their relationship but as far as I knew he never gave her the time of day.

"Yeah and what do you want?"

"Is Jared home?"


"I'm guessing by the way you're talking he's told you about me?"

"Nope I'm just a bitch." I fold my arms under my chest. "What can I help you with?"

"I see why he's made you his girlfriend."

"And who exactly are you and why are you looking for Jared? Did Angelica send you?" I had a sneaking suspicion that bitch was behind this somehow.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Who is Angela?"

"Angelica." I sigh. "No one important. Why are you looking for Jared?"

"I just want to talk to him." She smirks at me suddenly, her entire demeanor changing in an instant. Her short brown hair brushing the top edge of her shoulders, the silk locks brushing the edge of her skin as her brown eyes darken at me in anger. She scoff lowly as she glares at me, her strapless shirt barely covering her breasts with her arms crossed like she had them, her leather jacket just barely long enough to touch her ribs, her black jeans hugged her body and her brown combat boots with heels made her look like a try hard. I don't let myself waver under her knowing glare. I wasn't about to go down without a fight, but looking at her, her makeup perfect, her outfit well put together, I knew why he loved her. She's the last person he really truly loved, she'll always have a place in his heart and she knows that too. "Please tell me you're not some psycho jealous girlfriend." I smirk at her statement.

"Well you clearly don't know know Angelica if you think I'm psycho."

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

"No. But I'll be sure to tell him you stopped by." I smile at her broadly. "Or maybe I'll forget. Who knows?" I shrug one shoulder before going to close the door she stops me.

"If Jay hasn't told you what happened I will." She looks at me determinedly.

"You will?" I look at her questioningly.



"Yes." Would Jay be mad at me if I let her tell me what happened? We all know she would be sure to run back and boast about telling me their past before he could.

"No thanks. He'll tell me when he wants to, until them, you don't exist."

"Come on Bridgette. You know you want to know. So why wait when I'm offering it to you now?"

"Because Jared was patient with me and in return I'll do the same for him."

"Stop lying to yourself Bridgette." She says shaking her head. "Jared will never tell you about me."

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