Chapter seventeen

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    "Bridge? Baby you ready to go?" I peek into the room to see her sitting on the edge of the bed. "What's the matter? Why aren't you ready?"

    "I can't fit in my jeans." She looks up at me her eyes puffy from crying.

    "Oh Bridge." I chuckle softly. Of course they don't fit, what pregnant woman can wear super skinny jeans? "It's fine, just wear something else."

    "Jay." She sighs. "We're going to dinner with your parents how the hell can I wear leggings?"

    "Just wear a dress."

    "A dress." She scoffs. "It's cold out how am I going to wear a dress?"

    "Wear tights underneath." I shrug.

    "Tights underneath what am I five?" She sighs throwing her jeans on the floor.

    "Look babe, I don't care what you wear but can it be something you can get on in the next ten minutes or we'll be late."

    "I always wear jeans to see your mom, she'll know I'm pregnant if I don't wear jeans."

    "I highly doubt that." I sigh.

    "Jay." She looks at me with a what-the-fuck-look on her face.

    "Babe, come on." I sigh. "Wear one of my shirts with those shorts and your high boots."

    "Oh you mean the boots my fat feet won't fit in anymore?" Oh lord help me.

    "Babe, you're doing it again."

    "Jay! Just because I told you that you can tell me when I'm being hormonal doesn't mean I actually want you to tell me!"

    "Then what the fuck did it mean?" It's been a week since Bridgette found out she's pregnant and since she's been an emotional rollercoaster.
    "I don't know!" She shouts at me, ready to burst into tears.

    "Alright, just meet me down stairs when you're ready." I decide to back out of this one hoping she gets done soon so we can make it to meet my parents on time. I wait for about twenty minutes before she finally comes down fully dressed in a pair of black leggings and a long flowing pink shirt with flats, with her makeup and hair done.

    "Ready baby?" She asks smiling at me.

    "Yeah." I stand up from the couch and she comes over kissing me softly.

    "I'm sorry about before. I don't know why I'm so emotional already." She smiles at me sweetly.

    "Let's just go we're already late." I kiss her again before heading out to the car. While driving over she tells me about her next doctor's appointment. When I reach over my hand brushing over her stomach, feeling how swollen it was, even though she wasn't really showing.

    "When do you think we should tell everyone?" She asks her hand coming to rest on top of mine.

    "I don't know whenever you feel comfortable."

    "How about after my next appointment?"

    "So two weeks?"


    "Okay. We'll have a dinner or something and tell everyone."

    "Sounds good." She says leaning her head back against the seat. When we get to the restaurant Bridgette goes right to the bathroom since she's on the verge of getting sick.

    "Hey, there he is." Mom gets up to embrace me. "Where's Bridge?"

    "She's in the bathroom."

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