Chapter five

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    "He's what?" I snap at her.

    "He's an old client." She says softly.

    "Don't fucking lie to me. You might not be telling me shit about your life but I know you enough to know when you're lying. So who is he?"

"He's- he's... putting me through college."

"Why? Who is he?"

"Stop!" She yells at me. "Stop prying into my life!"

"I need to know these things about you Bridgette!"

"Why?! Why do you need to know anything at all!?"

"Because I'm not the one that took these pictures!" Her face drops. "I'm not the one you have to worry about getting to know you."

"What did she know?"

"She has pictures, more than this, with different guys. I told her that they were all old because I'm assuming they were. You looked different then, but this picture is recent and she knows it too."

"You can't let that get out. Not just because of you but because of me, it's my career on the line."

"I fucking know that Bridgette. So why don't you fucking tell me what's going on now? Who is he?"

"I can't." Her voice cracks. "I can't tell you that." A tear rolls down her cheek.

"Bridgette." I sigh softly.

"I want to! I want to open up to you! I want to tell you about me! I really do!" She sobs dropping to the floor, sobbing into her hands. I reach out to touch her but she swats my hand away. "This is ridiculous!" She shouts suddenly looking up at me. "You're just another client." And there it was. How she really feels about me. I'm nothing more than a client. That's why she won't open up to me. I shake my head feeling more frustrated with her than I ever have with Angelica. Annoyed I fling the picture at her.

"Well then you have nothing more to worry about. If people find out about your career it's not my concern. You should be more careful, the sharks don't care who's blood is spilled, they'll devour anyone in the circle." She stares up at me with a stunned expression as I walk past her.

"Where are you going?" She asks shooting up off the floor.

"What the fuck do you care?" She stops moving looking at me. "I'll let you know when the next event is if I decide I want you there." I walk out the front door slamming it behind me.

"Jared!" She yells after me as I storm off to my car. "Why are you even mad?!" She screams coming closer.

"I'm not mad." I growl opening the driver side door.

"Jared." She grabs my arm yanking me back.
"Why do you care if I'm mad?" I spit at her venomously.

"I-" She stops short of answering me. "I don't know."

"I didn't do anything to you Bridgette." I snap at her getting in her face. "I wouldn't do anything to you."

"What are you talking about?" Her brows furrow in anger her hunter eyes glaring at me.

"That night! You accused me of doing something to you the next morning! I didn't fucking touch you!"
"Oh please!"

"You wanted me to, you begged me practically and I said no! I can't believe you think that lowly of me! I'm not just some client, that's not why I'm paying for you!"

"That's why you've been so fucking mad?" She snaps folding her arms over her chest.

"Shut up Bridgette!" I get in the drive seat and peel out of her driveway barely giving the gate enough time to open. "Fuck!" I pound my hands against the steering wheel. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" By time I make it home I've never been so livid over someone. Over what someone thinks about me no less. I'm always in the public eye, someone always has some kind of opinion of me but this girl just knows what buttons to press. I get in side and take a cold shower to try and cool myself down, no I am not sextuallu frustrated, just fucking pissed. When I get out she's standing in the doorway of the bathroom with her hands folded under her chest. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

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