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"You must pick a wife Chief," the elder says, his face straight.

M'Baku mentally groans at the renewed conversation about him marrying. Do not get him wrong: M'Baku would love to be married but finding a woman who wants him for himself and not because he's the chief is difficult. No woman catches his eyes. They are too...submissive and want to wait on him. M'Baku doesn't desire that.

M'Baku wants a strong woman. A woman who will tell him when he's wrong. A woman who can stand on her own. A woman who loves him for him and all his flaws.

"I will find one when I find one."

"You should already be married!" Another says. "What would your father say?"

The room falls silent and becomes colder as M'Baku glares at the elder.

"My apologies Chief—"

"Get. Out."

He nods and quickly leaves.

"All of you!" He roars. "Out!"

They quickly gather their things and leave, emptying the room immediately as M'Baku angrily flips the table. He angrily flips furniture, releasing his pent up rage before dropping into his seat.

"Hanuman...send me a woman...any woman."

Elsewhere a woman receives her new job.

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