Chapter Eight

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Kimaya strokes M'Baku's hair as he lays next to her, face in her chest as he lets out a deep growl, content with this position. He takes her hand, intertwining their fingers as he cuddles with her, enjoying the early morning. The sun shines into the room, filling the room with light and M'Baku groans.

"I don't want to get up."

Kimaya chuckles as she kisses his forehead.

"I understand my chief but you must."

M'Baku smiles at being called "My Chief" and kisses her hand.

"I know...may I have a kiss?"

"Of course my chief."

Kimaya kisses M'Baku and he groans as he gets out of the bed. He walks into the bathroom as Kimaya lays back down in the bed, hugging the pillow as she relaxes. The sounds of the water running and the birds outside are calming. She hears M'Baku leave the bathroom and move around the room. Soft lips brush against her cheek.

"Have a good day Chieftess."

"You too my Chief."

M'Baku leaves her in bed and Kimaya falls asleep, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight and the furs.
M'Baku returns to the bedroom and sees Kimaya sitting in one of the chairs before the window. She is in a grey sports bra and sweats, a long fur around her, hanging off of her. Her glasses sit on her nose as she types on her laptop. M'Baku walks over and raises her chin, kissing her softly.

"You are here."

"I went home to bathe and grab some paperwork but yes I am here."

M'Baku changes into sweats and a sweater, sitting across from her. He reaches for her feet and she chuckles as he begins to rub it.

"How was work my chief? You look stressed and upset."

"The elders are being difficult."


"Me courting you."

She nods as she puts her laptop to the side, looking at him. He looks at her before looking out the window.

"If dating me is a problem—"

"Don't say it. I am not breaking up with you. Your father and those elders be damned."

Kimaya nods as she sips her tea, looking out the window. M'Baku gently pulls her, signalling for her to come to him. She obeys, sitting in his lap. He hugs her, pulling her down and close.

"I will not let them have a say in my personal life. You are everything I want and I would be a fool to allow them to drive you away."

"You are too good to me."

"I will always be good to you."

She smiles as she kisses his forehead. He rubs her stomach.

"Do you want kids?"

"I...I never really gave it much thought."

M'Baku nods.

"Well if you don't want to do childbirth there are a few orphans who would love to be adopted."

She smiles as she kisses his temple.

"Your children who you always threaten to feed people to even though they are vegetarians?"


She laughs as M'Baku chuckles. They sit quietly, enjoying each other.
Kimaya is walking to her cabin when she hears footsteps behind her. She pulls the rod from her robe and turns, the glowing black rod at the throat of the person behind her.

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